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We had been back in LA for about five weeks now, and I was going berserk not being able to talk to Ethan about my plans to come see him. I had figured out a ruse with one of my new friends, Mika, who I had found through instagram. She was a fan of Ethan's as well, and we bonded over that. She actually ended up bonding really well with Maddie and Emma too, and the four of us created a group chat to figure out when we were going to game and things. But I digress. I would be leaving for Maine in roughly a week, which gave me a few days to bulk film some stuff with the gals and maybe even a q & a. Actually, the Q&A sounded like a good idea to get out of the way first. I grabbed my phone and opened up twitter, shooting out a tweet.

@yniplier : i'm bored so i'm gonna film a q&a, drop your questions for me to answer!!

Within minutes I had already gotten a hundred questions, so I figured I could start filming now. I threw on one of my unreleased hoodies that I was going to release for pre-order next month, throwing my hair into a bun on the top of my head to keep it out of my face as I set up my camera. I finally got it all set up and started recording, fumbling with lights and stuff before I started.

"What's up ipliers! I'm Y/N and today, I decided to do something a bit different and film a Q&A. I tweeted about like five minutes ago and I already have like, two hundred responses so we're just gonna get started, I guess."

I scrolled through a couple of questions, screenshotting them as I decided which ones I wanted to do.

"Markimoo2015 wants to know, who have you befriended since moving to LA and are you going to ever collaborate with them?" I looked up at the camera. "That's a great question, uh... Jodie. I've befriended some amazing people, including sirenmika, and a few girls I've run into at Trader Joe's. We actually are planning on making a Minecraft Realm together soon, so look out for that!"

I scrolled back up to another tweet, pulling it up on my screen.

"Warrenstache wants to know if I'm going to continue the Resident Evil games. Um, hypothetically I'd like to! I'm not sure when I'm going to continue them because I have some great things planned for this summer but if I can fit them into my schedule, I totally will."

Everyone didn't have to know I already bulk filmed all of Resident Evil 5 and Revelations two before Pax.

"TCSLuvsKittyKats wants to know -"I started to answer the next question when my phone started ringing, Mika's name flashing across the screen. "Hi Mika."

"You're filming a Q&A Without me?!"

"Well you're definitely not in LA right now so..."

Mika dramatically rolled her eyes. "How dare you film without me."

"We're literally filming Minecraft tomorrow, Meeks. Calm your tits." I looked at the camera. "For the folks at home, Mika just rolled her eyes at me."

"I'm annoyed you're filming without me!"

"Do we need to have fake beef now too? You heard it here first, folks, me and Mika now have fake beef. First Ethan, now you? I'm just raking up the amount of beef I'm in."

"I'm mad at you."

"You're literally so annoying I hate your guts." I sarcastically replied, cheekily smiling as I flipped her off. "You're literally flying here in like a little over two weeks to come to Seal Beach with me so we can film another Q&A then. Can I finish filming?"

"Ugh I guess so."

I hung up on Mika and scrolled through a few more questions, figuring this one would be as good as any to answer.

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