
869 19 8

Cape Elizabeth, Maine

After a nice dinner from the Nestors, Ethan and I made our way to the game room, which was on the first level of the house. It was across the room from the living room, so it would be easy for his parents to check in on us. In that room there was a Wii, a PS4 and an Xbox, which I remembered him saying something about his brother playing it more than he did at the moment. Max curled up on the couch next to me, resting his head on my lap as Ethan handed me a controller. We played a bit of Call of Duty, laughing when I kept dying. Call of Duty was one of the games I sucked at, and it was really showing today. We switched to Fifa about two hours later, which was something I was good at because Mark and I played it back home in LA like all the time. By all the time I of course meant twice a week, but still. I totally beat Ethan's ass at that game fair and square.

Around nine thirty we shut the games off and started to get ready for bed, Ethan dragging out the air mattress his parents brought up from the basement for us to stuff in the game room. I got ready in the downstairs bathroom while Ethan got the bed set, rushing through my night routine and throwing my hair up as I walked back to the game room. When I got back, Ethan was putting the comforter on the bed, looking up to me and smiling. I didn't dare warn him he was about to step on the corner of it and laughed as he fell face first onto the mattress, face automatically turning beat red.

"You're mean."

"I am not mean. I just wanted to see you fall." I plopped down onto the bed next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "And besides, you're cute when you're embarrassed."

"No 'm not."

I chuckled. "Oh but you are."

"I'm not, but whatever you say." there was a moment of silence. "SHIT!"


"Your birthday is tomorrow. I totally shipped you your present."

"Eth, you didn't have to get me anything." I nudged him with my shoulder.

"But I wanted to. And now I don't have anything to give you now."

"Your company is more than enough."

"Hold on. I'll be right back."

Ethan hopped out of the bed and ran into the main room, Max lifting up his head as he watched. I scratched his back lightly until he put his head back down, grabbing my phone and shooting a quick text to Mark, since I realized I hadn't texted him all day. Ethan came back in and sat back down, looking over to me.

"Mom said we can take the car tomorrow. I'm treating you to a nice dinner."

"Please tell me it's Olive Garden. Please."

"It wasn't, but it could be." he smiled. "Whatever you want. Tomorrow is your day." he paused. "Can we uh... do you mind if we...?"

"Cuddle? Of course not." I smiled, laying down with him, curling into his side. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. A lot."

"Twitter's going to lose their shit when they realize where I'm tweeting from in the morning."

"You haven't said anything, huh?"

"Nope. I just now texted Mark."

"Oh I got an idea. Give me your phone."


Before I could protest that, Ethan took my phone from my hand and opened twitter, taking a cute selfie with Max and me in the background. He wouldn't let me see my phone until he had finished tweeting and it was vibrating non-stop with responses.

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