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December 29th, 2019.

"Ethan Mark Nestor-Fishbach, what the hell are you doing?"

"Yeah daddy" Lizzie piped up from where she was in my arms, "What doing?"

"Don't you dare swear in front of Lizzie!"

"Like you've said better things in front of her."

I knew Ethan and Mark were filming for Unus Annus today, but when I walked into Mark and Amy's place, this was not at all what I was expecting.

"I'm gonna make Ethan fly!"

"Fly?!" Lizzie clapped her hands excitedly. "Daddy fly!"

I rolled my eyes and looked at the camera. "For reference, I just got here, and I did not know this was happening. I'm not the one to be held responsible for this."

"Daddy fly!"

Mark turned to the camera. "Amy's not behind the game tonight, and if Amy found out I was doing this she'd be very, very obsessive. Guys, whatever you do, don't tell Amy."

"For the record, I will be telling Amy."

I pulled Lizzie off to the side as the boys rambled on about crucifixion and whatever else they were talking about, munching on a cheese stick while Lizzie stood at their feet and tried to help. She was interjecting with her own little phrases, causing both Ethan and Mark to laugh. At some point, Lizzie ended up in Ethan's arms, trying to play with the duct tape. I took Lizzie from Ethan before they started to prepare to tape each other to the door frame, both of us watching intently.

"I don't like that we're using Lizzie's footstool to do this."

"Baby's first step stool."

"I feel like this isn't going to hold well." Ethan pulled himself up to the top of the doorframe. "And then when you're wrapping it around my neck, it's going to give and so will my life-"

I piped up from behind the camera. "Mark, if you kill my husband and leave your niece fatherless, I'll kill you."

"I'm not going to wrap it around your neck."

"Good. You better not."

Mark mumbled something before he spoke up. "I was a carpenter for two years."

"I was a carpenter for two years." Ethan pulled a mocking face. "What's the first rule of-- can we do this?"

"No! Cause-"

"I'm gonna edit all of this out."

I had a feeling Mark was going to end up editing this one, but only time would tell.

"Alright, let's get this going."

Lizzie macgyver'd her way out of my lap and into the frame, doing her best to help Mark tape Ethan up on the doorframe. I knew in the end Lizzie wouldn't be able to reach up to that height, but watching her try to help Uncle Mark was one of the most precious things in the world and I knew the fans loved it as well. I made sure to snap a picture and tweet about it before I went back to watching, the smile on my face growing more as Mark lifted Lizzie up to help him.

"Amy's going to be so upset."

"Amy's not going to know!"

"Amy's going to watch!" I pointed out, poking my head into the frame. "Hi Ames!"

"Amy doesn't watch these videos-"

"Amy edits most of these videos."

I stood back, watching the two idiots who had changed my life for the better do their silly little banter, a wide smile on my face. I couldn't believe I had ended up where I was, content with life and finally happy about everything.

And I did it all with my Backflip Boy by my side.



WHOA. 51 chapters. we made it besties!!! backflip boy is probably one of the longer stories i've ever written, and i'll be honest, i didn't know if i was going to finish it. BUT I DID!!! and we're here!!!! at the end!!!!!! woohoo!!!!

would y'all want me to put y/n & ethan blurbs up on my tumblr? i'd love to explore these two and their relationships with lizzie and the squad, and i feel like little blurbs rather than a whole other book would be the best way to do that. let me know what y'all think!!! :) 

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