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Day One of PAX East 2015

Ethan and I woke up around nine, taking turns getting ready and dressed while we danced around to some MCR that I was playing from my phone. I stood in front of the floor length mirror, trying to make sure that my outfit looked okay when Ethan came up and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Babe, you look absolutely beautiful."

"Are you sure? This isn't like... too much, right?"

"You look like a million bucks." he placed a kiss behind my ear. "No matter what you wear."

"I just don't want to be too dressy, yanno?"

Ethan spun me around so I was facing him. "Nobody's gonna care what you're wearing today, they're just going to be excited that you're here."

"You think so?"

"Of course they are! You're so loved, not only by me but by so many people. You have thirty thousand subs as of like, two weeks ago and that count is probably higher by now. I promise you, your outfit is perfect. Just like you."

I placed a small kiss on Ethan's lips before I pulled on my shoes, grabbing everything I needed for the day before the two of us headed out to the elevators, being stopped by a few fans to take pictures on the way. We got through the lobby and outside before we realized that Ethan couldn't go in the back way, and that I wasn't about to leave him alone, so we made the trek to the front of the convention center where we could go together. Even though I did have the privilege of using the super secret back door, I didn't want to leave Ethan alone while I navigated my way back to the front, so I figured it would be better to go with him. And I also didn't like going that way alone, since I wasn't super big like all the other people who were back there.

We made our way around the floor, meeting up with Andrew and Mrs. Nestor about an hour after we got there so we could go watch some panels with them, and also go get some snacks. Eventually, I bid my goodbyes for the next couple of hours as I made my way to meet up with Mark and Séan, meeting up with them in the back hallway where we said we were going to meet. We started off with the main panel, where it was me, Bob, Wade, Séan and Mark answering fan questions and goofing off with each other. That panel was going pretty smooth, and surprisingly nobody seemed to question where Ethan was and why Mark didn't force him to come up here with us.

"I have a question for Y/N." A little girl, probably no more than ten years old, stood at the mic.

"Hey," I moved to the edge of the stage, sitting down on the edge of it so I could see her better through the lights. "What's your name?"


"Hi Michaela, how are you?"

"I'm doing good. Um... what is your favorite part about being Mark's little sister?"

"Hmm... well," I started. "I think my favorite part is that I get to live with my best friend. Sorry Ethan." The crowd chuckled. "Mark and I have been best friends since I was like, two years old, and every day is so much fun when I get to wake up and annoy him for no reason other than me being bored." I turned back to Michaela. "Are you a little sister?"

"Uh huh. I have two older brothers. I watch you and Mark with them."

"I think they're pretty cool big brothers if they let you watch Youtube with them." I smiled. "You're really lucky you got cool brothers. Mark just tells me we can't get a dog."

"Hey-" Mark got cut off by laughter. "I said I'd think about it."

"Which basically means no, in Mark language."

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