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"Y/N, I got a question for you."

I looked up from my laptop as Mark stood in the doorframe of my room, a devious look on his face.

"What do you want?"

"So you know how I met Amy a while ago, yeah?" I nodded. "Would you uh, would you mind if she maybe stayed the night?"

"Is this your way of asking me to book a flight to Maine and give you the house to yourself because I'll do it."

Mark laughed. "Nah, I was gonna see if you'd be okay with staying with Bob or Wade for the night."

"I can sleep in my jeep."

"You're not sleeping in your car."

"Then I'm staying here for the night, I have to film. If you guys are gonna fuck, you can knock on my door and I'll make sure to blast the game I'm playing."

"What game are you filming?"

"Resident Evil Revelations. Everyone's been begging me to play it, so I played through the first one so I could get the background."

"Nice. I probably should play them."

"I'll let you know how it goes. But anyway, knock on my door or something, will ya? I don't feel like being scarred."

"I- okay."

Mark turned around and walked out of my room, leaving me alone. I put the final touches on the video I was filming and saved it to the harddrive I put all my videos on. Some noises sounded from the living room so I figured Amy was here, and decided to shut my door so I didn't scare the shit out of either of them. I probably was going to anyway, but it's the thought that counts. I decided to throw on one of Ethan's hoodies that he "left" here, pulling my hair out of my face and slapping on basic makeup to film. I sat down in my chair and got everything set up, connecting my controller and starting to film the game before I started my camera.

"What's up ipliers! My name is Y/N and today we are playing Resident Evil Revelations. A lot of you guys have been begging me to play another horror game and this one came up the most, so for you all, I decided to play it. And before I start, this is your daily reminder I am not good at horror games so I will be playing this on easy mode. This doesn't make me any less of a gamer, I'm just a pussy. And we that, we begin!"

I played through a decent chunk of the game before I said my outro, getting everything set before starting the next part of it. This happened for about three hours, and by the end I was a blubbering mess. Like I said before, I hated horror, and this game made me feel on edge. I saved the game where I was for about the fifth time before I shut it down, placing everything I needed to on the flashdrive that I put all my videos I need to edit on before trying to figure out the time conversion to see if I could call Ethan. Much to my demise he was still in school, so I ended up on my bed clutching my stuffed bear. That's when I remembered I had the notes and I grabbed the box from under the bed, opening it and finding one that said "open after you play a horror game". I read his note to myself a few times before I finally felt my heart rate return to normal, pulling his sweatshirt closer to me. I really hated being apart from him, and the 3,000 miles worth of distance didn't do much to help. Part of me was tempted to move to Maine and just say fuck it, but I knew my life was here in LA. There were more opportunities here for me with youtube, and it wouldn't be good for me to leave. On the other hand though, I'd be close to Ethan. Living in Cape Elizabeth would be so nice, but I knew it just wasn't possible.

I'd be seeing Ethan in a month though, at PAX 2015. I thankfully was able to get most of my stuff on one day, and by most of my stuff I mean my panels I was doing with Mark. I decided to opt out of doing anything this year, mostly so I could spend some time with Ethan. We were planning on doing something special for our one year friend-aversary, but we didn't know what it was going to be yet. We'd probably end up going out to dinner or ordering room service or something, but we knew we would be hanging out on the exact date we became friends. I knew I'd be having to film some videos too, so I figured that would be a great time to film some joint Mario Kart with Ethan. And maybe Mark if I could find our third Wii remote. I honestly had no idea where it went. It's not like it could have gone far or anything- it was a controller.

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