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Ethan's two weeks with us came to an end faster than we wanted. It took everything in my power to not hide his plane ticket so he'd never leave, but I promised that somehow I'd find a way to get to his graduation so we could see each other after PAX. We got our mushy goodbyes out of the way at the apartment, knowing that there'd be at least a few fans there who would question how close we were if we did that at the drop off spot. We goofed around for a minute before he had to leave, and he said goodbye to both of us. I hid my tears until Mark started driving away, curling my legs into me and resting my chin on them.

"You okay?"

"Hm? Oh, I'll be okay." I wiped at the tears on my cheeks. "I just miss him."

Mark reached over to pat my knee. "I know. You really love him, don't you?"

"I do. A lot."

"How about a trip to Maine for his Spring break?" he looked over to me.

"Are you serious?"

"I don't see why you shouldn't be able to go spend some time with him."

"You'd let me go see him that fast?"

"Y/N, you're 18. I don't have much free reign over you anymore."

I chuckled. "I still appreciate your opinion, Mark."

"Either way, you could book a plane ticket to go see him tomorrow and I wouldn't be mad."

"Don't tempt me. I will."

We pulled into the parking complex around eleven and we made our way back to the apartment, and I realized when we got the lobby there was a package waiting for me. I picked it up as Mark and I walked by, curious as to what it was.

"Who's it from?"

I looked at the return label. "It's from Eth?"

Soon as we got into the apartment I went straight to the living room, plopping myself down on the couch and tearing the box open. Inside was a brightly colored box with my name written on the top in Ethan's handwriting. I opened it and inside were a bunch of envelopes, with one that read "OPEN ME FIRST" in big bold letters. I opened it, tossing the envelope down onto the table as I unfolded the letter.


Being apart from you sucks. So I wrote you stupid little things so you can have a piece of me with you every day of the year. Each one is different, so enjoy them. Also this might be coming late but that means you just have like ten letters to open at once.

Forever yours,


"What does it say?"

"Yeah no, you don't get to see any of these." I folded the letter quickly, shoving it back into the box. "Not for you."

"I want to see what he said!"

"It's stupid mushy stuff you don't need to see. Don't you have a video to upload anyway?"

"It was auto uploaded. And I'm nosy so..."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't get to see them, end of story Mark."

Mark jokingly pouted before he went into the kitchen, and I pulled out the letter again and held it to my chest. This man really was doing the most for me. It was a drastic difference from Kyle, but it was a good difference. I picked up the box and went into my room, shutting the door and sitting down on the bed as I pulled out all the letters I could open today. Each one was in a different colored envelope, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the little stupid drawings he had put on some of the envelopes. I took my time opening them, brushing back tears for the third time today as I read each of the letters. The one for today was last, and I noticed it was a little thicker as I picked it up. I opened it and pulled out some pictures that were taken from when I went to Maine the first time. A lot of them were us fooling around that his mom had taken, but my favorite one had to be the picture his mom took of us on my birthday when we went to Olive Garden. I put the pictures to the side and grabbed the letter, noticing this one was short and to the point.

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