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I was now thirty four weeks along, and I swear to god our daughter kept pushing on my bladder every ten minutes.

Everyone was obsessed with the baby updates I had been putting out, and every twitch stream I did- because hey, I'm a twitch streamer now- everyone was asking me for more updates. It was quite funny every time someone came into my stream and asked about it, since we made a command that stated "go watch my latest baby update video you heathens" with the youtube link coming up every time someone mentioned "baby" or "updates".

Today was exciting though, since we were going to be painting the nursery. I had picked out a beautiful light gray that was going to be on the walls, and we were going to pair it with some white furniture. I didn't want to do anything over the top, so we had settled on doing a nice neutral wall with our daughter's name- which we were going to have to figure out soon- above her crib. The crib had come in last week, and Mark was going to come by later with Amy to help us put it together. I loved Ethan with my whole heart, but building things was not his strong suit. I had started to put together the dresser, which was sitting out in the hallway, but my back started hurting and I had to pee, so I figured I'd just make Mark do that too.

"How's it going in there babe?"

"I think the primer is set. We should be able to paint now." I turned around to see Ethan standing in the doorframe, dressed in some old pajama pants and a tye-dye t-shirt. "Are you gonna stand there or gawk at me?"

"Can't I do both? You're glowing and I can't help it." Ethan came and wrapped me in a hug. "You're carrying our daughter and looking goddamn hot doing it."

"You flatter me, Ethan." I gave him a kiss. "But this nursery isn't going to paint itself. We need it to be ready by November and that's getting very close."

"Y'know, I think she'll be an October baby."

"You think so?"

"She's giving me October vibes." Ethan rubbed my stomach. "Maybe we should paint the nursery orange."

"Absolutely the fuck not. We're not having a backsplash debacle two point oh."

"Okay fine," Ethan dramatically sighed, grabbing the paint I had gotten at the store. "We'll stick to the gray."

"Good. Now get painting, Nestor."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"To pee. Your daughter is pushing on my bladder."


She was most definitely not an October baby.

I went into Labor on November 2nd at 12:01am. And the only reason I knew the exact time was because I was on Facetime with Maddie and had taken her to the bathroom because I thought I had to piss.

"Oh my fucking god."

"What's wrong? Y/N What's wrong?"

"My fucking water just broke." I stared at the phone, gobsmacked. "Ethan's fucking asleep and my water just broke."

"Hang up and go get him you fucking idiot! I'll go get Emma and we'll be there soon."

"I think the hospital is only gonna do family only, babes."

"We're now your sisters."

"Yes, because you look exactly like me."

"We could be adopted!" Maddie looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Adopt, don't shop!"

"You're literally a human and not a dog. That statement applies to dogs."

"Well guess I'm your bitch now. Bark bark!"

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