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I woke up with a smile on my face, ripping the covers off of my body as I ran to my closet to grab my clothes. Today was the day I was going to Maine to spend some time with Ethan and his family, and hopefully hang out with him on his stream- if he decided to stream. He had recently started doing it, and I was excited to maybe be there while he streamed. I grabbed my suitcase from where I placed it next to my door, rolling it into the main hallway and going to the kitchen to make myself some coffee.

I left a note for Kathryn letting her know I left for LAX and to have fun this month, deciding real fast to prop up my phone and take a few timer selfie pictures. I had thrown on one of Ethan's hoodies, which everyone knew I had stolen from him by now, taking some cute selfies of me with my suitcase. It was also the butt crack of dawn, so people knew I'd be embarking on the fourteen hour journey across the country. I was planning on being in Maine by at least 5pm today, then driving the two hours to his new apartment. Unless he decided to come pick me up, then I wouldn't be driving.

I got to LAX about four in the morning, ready to go straight to the nearest coffee shop and get a double shot to wake me up. I clutched my carry on straps as I walked through the airport, smiling to myself as fans started recognizing me. I stopped for a few pictures, not caring that I wasn't wearing any makeup at all and was dressed in the comfiest clothes I could find. I got my coffee and went to the gate, chilling and scrolling through my social media before getting onto the flight, grabbing my laptop and plugging it in so I could start editing some videos. I got all the videos edited that I needed to edit, putting my laptop away and bringing out the book I was reading, getting as comfortable in my seat as possible and opening to the page I was at.

We landed at roughly 5pm, give or take a few minutes, and I took my phone off of airplane mode and waited for Ethan's excited texts to come through. I didn't see any though, and frowned to myself. Usually he would have texted me by now. Unless he was planning something that he didn't want me to know about. I grabbed all of my stuff and waited to get off the plane, making my way down towards the baggage claim and barely paying attention to the people around me. I grabbed my suitcase and started walking towards the door to call an uber when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a sign. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked at it, a laugh falling out of my face when I saw what it said.


I ran over to Ethan, scooping him up in a big hug and placing a giant kiss on his lips, since we didn't have to hide that aspect of our relationship anymore. Both of us laughed, him spinning me around and giving me another kiss, his hands going to cup my cheeks.

"Hello, my love."

"Hey." I dug my face into the crook of his neck. "I missed you."

"Not as much as I missed you."

"Hm, I doubt that." I smirked. "I thought you were busy today?"

"I was, but then I decided the videos I need to edit can wait, and I could go pick my girlfriend up from the airport."

"Oh how nice of you, boyfriend." I smiled again and took his hand in mine, preparing to walk back to the car. "Where did you park?"

"Like a two minute walk away. The parking lot was crowded, I thought I was going to miss you."

"Lucky for you, the line for the bathroom was quite long so I got stuck waiting in that." I chuckled as the two of us walked outside. "Do you think we could stop at Aroma Joe's on the way home? I could do with some donuts and a coffee."

"You've been here for all of five minutes, and all you want is coffee?"

"We don't have Aroma Joe's in LA, okay? I miss their coffee."

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