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Ethan and I had officially made it a year as of today.

I couldn't believe it. I had been dating my best friend for a year. Through all our ups and downs and that one stupid fight over the backsplash, he stayed by my side and didn't leave me. Although, there were a few times I thought he would. I rubbed my eyes as I started to wake up, smiling slightly to myself as I turned over to see him still passed out. I swear this boy can sleep through anything and he wouldn't wake up unless a dog was licking his face. Or if he smelled food. That's when I got the idea to cook us breakfast, and hopefully not burn the apartment down while I was at it.

I snuck out into the kitchen, noticing that Mark had left a note on the counter saying he had gone out to breakfast with Amy and some of their friends. I smiled, opening the fridge and grabbing everything I would need. I set everything out on the counter and started cooking, humming lightly to myself as I threw everything together. And by throwing everything together, I mean toasting some frozen waffles and grabbing fruit from the fridge and scrambling some eggs. The basic breakfast, if you ask me. Within five minutes everything was ready, and I made my way back to my room.

Ethan shuffled as he heard me come in, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes as he started to smell the breakfast. I crawled back into bed with him, placing a small kiss on his lips and smiling.

"Happy one year."

"Happy one year."

I curled into his side as we both scrolled through our respected social media, both of us just enjoying the other's company. By the time we were done with breakfast, Mark strolled through the front door and I had never been so glad that I had made sure to close my door while Ethan was here. Because I definitely was just in a sheer top and undies.

But Mark didn't have to know that.

I threw on some clothes before Mark came into the room, knowing he'd probably have an aneurysm if he saw what I was wearing around Ethan while he wasn't home. Granted, I was eighteen but he still took care of me so in a way, he had some sort of say in the things that went on in his place. which we respected, don't get me wrong. Sometimes I just wanted to feel good about myself and not have to worry about Mark walking into my room, yanno? Either way, Ethan and I spent most of the day to ourselves, ordering in some chinese and watching silly rom coms together. It was just what we needed, a nice chill celebration of our one year. No Mark to bother us, or anything really. Just the two of us. Like that one song. It was perfect.



"Do you think it's time?"

I looked up from my phone, meeting Ethan's eyes. I could tell he wanted to share our relationship with the world, and frankly it had been long enough. Was it nerve wracking to be confirming everything that our fans had been speculating about? Yes. Yes it was. But it was time to bite the bullet and just tell the world what was going on. And at this point, our fans had started to analyze every single post we made to see if we were flirting with each other- which to be frank, we most definitely were. It was really the question of were we ready to announce it to the world. Because once we did, we'd have little to no privacy anymore.

"You know, we should totally vlog this for youtube and make this super dramatic." I joked. "Well, vlog is the wrong word. Lets set up my camera and make it seem like we're going to just do a stupid collab video and then we should just like, start making out."

"Hm.. as tempting as that is, we probably should do something that is more laid back."

"Okay, how do we wanna do this?"

"Um, super sappy post is what I was thinking of doing." I shrugged. "Unless you had any other ideas?"

"I think super sappy is the way to go."

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