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"Yes Eth?"

"I want to move to LA."

I shot up, startling Luna as I stared at him. Did he just say what I think he just said?

"Are you serious?"

"I think I'm ready." He looked over to me. "I'm ready to move to LA. I'm ready to live with you."

"Yeah?" I scooted over so Ethan could sit next to me. "What made you decide you were ready?"

"This summer. Realizing that I want to spend my life with you." he grabbed my hand. "I know we're both not ready for marriage seeing as we're both twenty, but I want to spend my life with you, yanno? And that life isn't in Maine. It's in LA."

I bit my lip as I held back a snarky "Who said I wasn't ready for marriage? " instead raising my eyebrow, already knowing the answer to my question. "Have you talked to your mom yet?"

"Honestly? No. I wanted to ask you first."

"I think your mom should be the one you ask first, babe, but I'd love it if you came to live with me."


"Of course. I mean, we share a dog together. How could I say no? And besides, we practically live together anyway." I squeezed his hand. "You've proven that you'd stay with me no matter what, and if you're ready to take the next step and move to LA with me, I say do it. Of course, we have to talk to your mom but-"

"I'm sure she's going to say yes. I could care less about her answer right now. We're going to live together!"

"You are absolutely a child." I laughed as he started happy fidgeting, something he had started embracing more and more as we were together. "I love you so much."

"Oh god, I need to pack. I need to tell my mom, I'm moving across the country!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as Ethan jumped off the bed, running out of the room. The cottage itself was small, so his parents were bound to be somewhere. Luna and I followed him, finding him and his parents outside on the back porch facing the lake. I didn't bother putting Luna's leash on, since she was very well trained and stayed by us at all times. We went out onto the back porch, smiling at Max and Cooper as they trotted up to us. We sat with his parents on the back porch and talked while I got b-roll of the dogs playing for our Maine vlog. They fully agreed it was time for him to make the move out, which I already knew since Mrs. Nestor had told me last year that they would be totally fine with him moving in with me. After working out the logistics, we decided that Mr. Nestor and Ethan were going to switch cars so he could have the bigger one, and we would drive back with a bunch of his stuff. Moving his whole set up was going to be interesting, but that was a problem we would confront in a couple of days.

In celebration, we decided to go out to a pub that was down the street and get some takeout. Instead of eating there, we decided to eat back at the cottage, since we were going to drive back to his parent's place tomorrow. The four of us watched a movie and ate our food, barely paying attention to the movie as we talked about anything and everything. It was nice. The next morning came and we packed our stuff, making our way back to Ethan's childhood home. Over the next week or so I helped him pack, putting some stuff in boxes that we could mail to my place and other things into bins to put in the car. We decided to spend one last day here so we could go to all his favorite childhood places, hitting restaurants and sights and everything he wanted to do. The night before we left, we found ourselves at the Olive Garden he asked me out at, and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as we were sat at the exact same table. I grabbed my phone and snapped a photo, shooting out a quick tweet before we ate.

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