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a/n: you didn't see me publish the wrong part... what? 

New Years Eve, 2014

New Years Eve came faster than any of us anticipated, and I woke up to Mark running around the apartment trying to make it look decent. The boys were coming over, as well as Amy and the respected girlfriends, and according to Mark our place was a mess. And by mess, he meant he hadn't swept in months and there was dust everywhere. Ethan offered to help, but Mark basically shoved him away, telling him that he was a guest and that he didn't have to help. Which was how we found ourselves sitting out on the balcony, both supporting a cup of coffee while we watched Netflix on my laptop. Thankfully there was an outdoor outlet so I was able to bring my charger out so the battery wouldn't die so fast. Around twelve, Amy came and realised how stressed Mark was and started to help him clean without saying anything. I also might have texted her to come over early. But you didn't hear that from me. Ethan and I were still banished to the balcony, so we continued to watch Netflix and chill outside while Mark and Amy cleaned. Eventually, Amy opened the door and let us in, chuckling to herself as she heard Mark banished us out there.

The rest of the afternoon was spent helping Mark and Amy with the snacks and sneaking kisses from Ethan, both of us happy as all hell since we realized this morning we were celebrating our first holiday together in person. Okay, technically it was our fourth holiday but the first one in person. So we called it our first holiday. Either way, we were excited, and it showed. I finally found some time for Eth and I to slip away and plan our outfits for the night, me deciding to go with a simple maroon bodycon dress that I've had in my closet for a few months now. I had figured I'd wear it at PAX, but this gave me the perfect opportunity to wear it before April. Ethan pulled out two different polos, holding both of them up and silently asking me for help to decide. I ended up choosing the darker color maroon one, since it matched the dress I was wearing. I threw on simple makeup and set up my camera, putting the self timer on as I pulled Ethan in front of it to take a few cute pictures together.

The boys got here around six, and we all settled in for a night of fun. Tyler bought Cards Against Humanity, and we spent a bit playing that before we circled to another game, everyone progressively getting more and more tipsy. Ethan and I had decided to stay away from the alcohol, settling for sparkling grape juice instead. The rest of the night was spent switching between games and making sure everyone didn't drink too much, since there were only a few of us who were staying sober. Thankfully as we at dinner everyone calmed down a bit since they got food in their systems, and we all decided to play Monopoly, which ended up being quite a feat while drunk. Somehow, Bob and his girlfriend Mandy won, with Mark and Amy coming in a close second. That surprised me, since Mark usually didn't get top three when we played with our family back in Ohio. He must have been trying to impress Amy.

"How the hell did you get top three?" Bob looked over to Mark, confused. "You never get top three."

Wade side-eyed Mark from where he was sitting. "This... this is suspicious."

"You guys really don't think I have it in me to win a game of Monopoly? You think so lowly of me."

"You just happen to get really not smart when we play this game." I piped up. "And a lot of other games."

"I could beat you fair and square at any board game we have in this apartment."

"You're totally not sober Mark, you'll lose anything we play if I put effort into it."

"I bet," Mark held up a finger matter of factly. "If I challenged any of you to a game of Fifa I would win."

"Alright, lets go." Tyler stood up. "Do it. Beat me at Fifa while drunk."

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