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Christmas day rolled around, and I sat in the living room with Mark, Tom and mom. We had decided to stay lowkey this year, deciding to watch a movie and hang out in the apartment instead of going out and doing stuff like we had in years past. We spread out on the floor around our baby tree, our presents sitting in front of us. I was nervous to open Ethan's, since I hadn't told mom and Tom we had been dating yet- only Mark, the boys and Séan knew. And Amy. I had opened almost all of my presents, leaving Ethan's for last since I knew I was going to be hounded with questions.

I grabbed another present, which happened to be one of Ethan's and smiled as I opened it, setting the wrapping paper in the giant pile we had created in the middle of the room. I opened the card first, which I knew he sent for our four month. Inside was an Olive Garden gift card and a beautifully written note.


These past four months with you have been the best four months of my life. I'm so grateful I met you and I want you to know how much I appreciate you. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, and I hope you know that. You deserve so much in this world and I'm determined to make sure you get everything you deserve.

Happy Four Months, babe.

I opened the box to find one of his Christmas shirts inside, and a separate design he had made just for us. It was the same Christmas shirt, except we were kissing under the mistletoe. On the bottom of the box was a letter, and I pulled it out, flipping it over. I carefully opened it, my jaw dropping as I saw flight information on the paper in front of me.

"Fuck off Mark, no you didn't!"

"I didn't do what?" he gave me a playful grin.

"No way. This isn't happening. You're pranking me."

"Mark, what did you do? Who's Ethan?" Mom looked between us.

"Remember the friend I went to visit in Maine?" she nodded. "That's him. Mark bought him plane tickets to come spend New Years with us."

"Y/N! You have boyfriend?" her eyes widened as she looked at me. "Since when?"

"Since my birthday."

"Aw, little Y/N is growing up!" I chucked a ball of wrapping paper at Tom. "Is he nice?"

"Would Mark be letting him stay with us for two weeks if he wasn't?"

"Doesn't he have school?"

"They don't go back until the 15th. He's leaving the 13th." I smiled.

"You really like him, don't you?"

"I do. I like him a lot." I pulled his hoodie closer to me. "He's very sweet and asks me all the time if what we're doing is okay. He even asks before he holds my hand."

"He sounds like nice boy." mom smiled. "You should call him."

"Later, mom. He's with his family right now."

Mom huffed and we all chuckled, finishing opening the rest of our presents. I got a Slytherin keeper shirt for my Christmas present from Ethan, since he made me watch all the movies and take multiple quizzes to see what house I was in. I also ended up getting a new keyboard and mouse set from Mark, since mine was seeing the last of it's days. It had been getting hard for me to game and it had become a running gag on my channel that I couldn't play many games on my desktop because my D-key didn't work. Thankfully though that'd change and I'd be able to start playing some of my games again. For dinner we decided on roasted chicken and mashed potatoes, Mark and Mom arguing the whole time they made it. I decided to slip into my room and set up my new keyboard, leaving the door open so everyone would know I was in here. I was in the middle of setting it up when I heard Tom walk in, sitting down on my bed.

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