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We had made it back to Mark's house about forty minutes later, since Ethan and I had just sat in our car for a couple minutes, knowing that Mark was throwing together something last minute for us and decided we'd give him extra time to set up. Everyone had decorated Mark's place with white and gold decorations, and there was a nice big cake sitting on the table. My mom came and gave me a big hug, muttering something about how I should be so happy that everything had come together, wrapping her arms tightly around me. Séan was next, and I dug my head into the crook of his neck and held him close.

"I'm so happy for you buggas."

"Thank you, Séan, it means a lot." I smiled up at him. "Especially since you and Signe didn't have to fly out here for this. We easily could have just face timed you."

"We wanted to be here." Signe piped up, stepping closer to us. "This is such a big moment for you two. We couldn't just not be here."

"I need to tell you before I forget, it means a lot that you've barely known me for months and you decided to fly out. Thank you."

I looked across the room to see Ethan joking around with his brother, locking eyes with me for a moment and giving me the most sheepish smile I have ever seen coming from him. I couldn't help but blush, feeling exactly as I did when we first met back in 2014. A camera snap shook me out of my thoughts and I turned to see Mika with one of Ethan's cameras, tongue poking out from in between her lips as she snapped pictures of me. I laughed and stuck up my middle finger, Signe and Séan catching my energy and following suit. We talked for a few more minutes before Ethan made his way over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and setting his chin on my shoulder. As Séan and Signe went into the kitchen, Ethan pulled me into one of Mark's guest rooms and locked the door, pulling me in for a hug. We stood there for a hot second basking in the fact that we were finally married. It happened. We could finally spend the rest of our lives together.

"Hi husband."

"Hi wife." he placed a kiss on my cheek. "I missed you."

"You were across the room."

"I know." I cupped his face. "We're married."

"Yes we are."

"Our fans are going to hate us when we tell them we've been married."

"Who said we have to tell them? We could pull an Amy and Mark and just not say anything."

"Or, we could tell them but just randomly drop it one random day in like, August."

"I like your way of thinking. And we can get a quote 'engagement' shoot done and just post those."

"Does Kathryn take photos?"

"I think so, we can ask."

"Because I want someone we know won't spill to take them. And I also want to see you in a wedding dress."

"We can most definitely make that happen."

"And maybe I also want to see you out of that dress."

"Ethan Mark Nestor!" I slapped his chest, laughing. "There is a house full of people just outside that door! Keep it in your pants."

We both burst out laughing and eventually made our way back out to the celebrations, sneaking into the kitchen so I could take a fingerful of frosting. Amy jokingly slapped my hand before everyone filed their way inside so we could have some cake. By the end of the night I was absolutely stuffed and ready to go home. I also missed Luna and just wanted some Luna snuggles. And Ethan snuggles. And to go to sleep. There were a lot of things I wanted, honestly. We left around one, making it home shortly after and before I could even walk through the door, Ethan ran ahead of me, stopped me, set up the camera and then carried me through the door like an absolute doofus. We barely made it to the bedroom before my dress was on the floor with Ethan's shirt, and all the doors were locked so we could finally spend our well earned time together.

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