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So guess who chickened out in sending Ethan his house key?

Me. I did.

It was now March, and the little present I made him was sitting behind my desktop where it wouldn't be in frame, staring at me and reminding me of how much of a chicken I was. I don't know why I chickened out, if I were being honest. It was something we were both looking forward to... so why was I so scared to just fucking ask him? I sighed and fell back into my chair, running my hands over my face as I mentally slapped myself for the thousandth time in the past three months.

The house was lonely when it was just me, I'm not going to lie. It was probably why I shoved myself into work, cranking out as many videos as I possibly could and probably starting to go down the path of giving myself carpal tunnel. I finally decided to close my laptop, since my eyes were starting to strain from looking at the screen so much. I probably should invest in those blue light glasses or whatever they're called. It would help considering how much I look at the screen every day.

Ethan had been working for Mark for about a month now, slowly starting to edit some of his videos before they announced it. He caught onto the editing style really quickly, and I could tell that he was going to adopt aspects of it for his own channel. It did mean we scrapped our Wednesday facetime calls so he could focus, which I understood since he didn't want to let Mark down. It was still sad for me, since I was so used to him calling me every day now. If we weren't Facetiming, you knew something was up. At least, that's what Amy had said. She had started hanging with us more and more and was becoming a staple member of the Iplier family. It was almost as if she and Ethan were the two pieces of the missing puzzle we so desperately needed to make our little found family whole.

I was startled by a knock at my door before Mark barged in, vlog camera in hand.

"What the hell-"

"Look! It's Y/N! The best little sister in the whole wide world!"

I looked at him quizzically. "Mark..."


"Where are you taking me?"

"Put this blindfold on."


Before I could say no, Mark had me blindfolded and was leading me out to the car after setting the vlog camera where he wanted it so my place wouldn't be exposed. I climbed into the car and heard him fumbling around for a few minutes, presumably putting the camera in a good spot on the dash before he started talking. We drove for what I'm guessing was about forty minutes, Mark coming up with some chit chat throughout the ride. I was trying to figure out where the hell we were going, racking my brain to figure out what we would be doing this far from the house. Once the car finally stopped, Mark came around to my side of the car, helping me out and going to set up the camera before helping me take the blindfold off.

"Jesus fuck that- hold the phone. Are we- shut up!"

"We're getting you a dog today, Y/N."

I jumped into Mark's arms out of pure excitement, letting the squeal fall out of my mouth purely because I couldn't contain myself. Mark picked up the vlog camera and we made our way inside, going to the front desk to prepare.

"Hi, I'm Y/N, I'd like to adopt a dog today."

"Of course, follow me."

Mark and I followed the lady after asking permission to put her in our vlog, to which she asked us to blur out of her face. Of course we said yes, since we're not scoundrels. We walked around to the dog area, my excitement practically bursting at the seams. We were taken over to a private seating area, where Mark sat across from me and pointed the camera in my direction.

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