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We had gotten back to LA about three days ago, and I was having the time of my life just hanging out with Mark and Séan. We spent our days just chilling, taking turns picking animes to watch or figuring out what videos we wanted to film. We decided for my channel we would start out playing some Dark Storm II, and playing Happy Wheels on Séan's channel with him. We spent a good chunk of our time screaming at the computer Mark let us borrow, filming footage on Séan's SD card that he could take back and edit. After taking a dinner break we filmed some videos for my channel, Séan helping me edit a bit before I took over, thinking I got it down. It took a bit, but I finally got the video to my liking.

"Do you wanna post it now?"

"Shouldn't I come up with a posting schedule first?" I tilted my head to the side.

"No worries, I'll tweet about it. I'll make Mark tweet about it too."

"Are you sure?"

"You said in the outro that you weren't sure what your schedule was going to be yet, I'm sure your viewers will be okay with a little bit of space in between each video until you get a solid schedule."

"Mm.. okay."

I had chosen a lighter theme, going with clouds. I always liked the shapes of clouds, and I figured that would be a nice difference from the darker colors of Mark's channel. We were pretty much two different sides of the same coin, so it made sense that our channels would look like that too. I put on my ending screen and started to download it, sitting back as I let Séan teach me  how to use the upload feature. The video finished downloading to the computer and I put it in the uploader, going through the steps with Séan by my side helping me through all of it. I filled out a basic description, since I didn't have much to put there yet and linked Séan's channel, clicking the post button. Séan was the first person to like it, subbing to me right away and tweeting about the video. Within minutes the view count started to go up and the comments rolled in, and I couldn't help but smile. I finally uploaded my first video! My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket, smiling at the name flashing across my screen.

[4:25pm - ethan] yo i just saw you uploaded a video! i'm proud of you for going through with it <3 brb i'm gonna watch it!

"What's got you all smiley?" Séan nudged my shoulder.

"Ethan's gonna watch it." I chuckled, my smile getting bigger at the thought.

"Y/N and Ethan sitting in a tree-"

"There's no kissing, we're just friends!" I cut Séan off, continuing his little chant in tune with my own words.

"There's something there, buggas. Seriously. I wouldn't be mad if you two did eventually start dating."

"You're just saying that."

"No, Y/N, I mean it." Séan looked at me, seriously. "You deserve all the happiness you attract, and I see the real you that I met back in Ohio when you're with Ethan. You two really clicked."

"You think so?"

"I watched you two interact for the whole convention, you guys have chemistry. There's no denying it."

"I dunno, Séan. He's really sweet but we did just meet."

"I'm not saying to jump into anything, I'm just saying to do what you think is right as long as it's with him."

I gave him a look, a small smile on my face. "You and Mark clearly know something I don't."

"That's right. We do. And we're letting you figure it out."

"I hate you."

"No you don't." Séan ruffled my hair. "Come on, I think Mark wants to watch Camp Takota."

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