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I had been slaving over Ethan's Christmas present for about a week now, scouting the internet for fun designs I could do when asking someone to move in with you. It was quite nerve wracking, if I were being honest, and the fact that I wouldn't be there to give it to him in person made it even worse for me. I knew he would say yes, considering how long we had been together, and how in love we were, but it was still a scary thing to think about. Kathryn and I had talked, and she said come February she was going to be moving out. It was bittersweet, but it meant Ethan and I could have the place to ourselves. Part of me wondered if she had talked to Mark about it and knew he was asking Ethan to move out here to edit for him. Either way, I couldn't wait for the day when Ethan and I could say we lived together. It was going to be the best day of our lives, if I were being honest. Being able to live with the man you're madly in love with? That was every teenager's dream, and it was hopefully going to be coming true for me.

"Hey," Séan poked his head into the door, smiling at me. "How's it coming along?"

"I think I got it to the point where I like it." I held out the paper to him. "What do you think?"

"You made him a house key already?"

"Maybe." I cheekily smiled. "Okay I did, I'm just super excited for this next step in our lives. My boyfriend might be moving out here!"

"I know!" Séan sat on my old bed, beckoning me to sit next to him. "Are you nervous?"

"Yes and no. Yes because I'm not going to be there in person to celebrate with him and hug him and all that other mushy stuff, and no because I know he's going to say yes. He'd move out here in a heartbeat if it meant being closer to me."

"Do you know when he's going to move?"

"I'm not sure. We never really got that far in our conversation about it." I shrugged. "Either way, it's happening soon and I'm going to burst with excitement. Quite literally."

"Please don't explode on me." Séan chuckled. "Mark's taking us out to lunch, you wanna come?"

"Who's 'us'?"

"You, me and Amy."

"Yeah I'll be out in a few, I just gotta get dressed."

Séan left me to scramble through my closet, and I decided on wearing one of Ethan's hoodies and some jeans, since it was once again fifty degrees outside. I threw on my high tops and ran out to the main room, saying hi to Amy before we all piled into Mark's car, Christmas music on the radio as we drove to Houston's. Mark had taken me there a few times before, mainly when Mom came, so it must be a special occasion if it meant we were going there. We got inside and got seated in a booth, Séan and I sitting on one side while Mark and Amy sat on another. We chit chatted for a little bit before we ordered, and I decided to be a bit boujee today and get a shirley temple. Our appetizers came and we snacked on them while talking about random things, Mark finally segwaying into something quite interesting.

"So, the reason I bought you guys here today, is that I have asked Amy to move in with me--"

"About damn time! Only took you two long enough."

"--For the filming of A Date with Markiplier."

I pouted. "Oh."

"It's just to make it simpler for her, you know? We can carpool, she doesn't have to drive too far, stuff like that."

"Are you just testing the waters to see how she'd react if you actually moved in together?" Séan raised an eyebrow. "Because judging by her reaction, I'm sure she'd be super excited."

"We're not ready to fully live with each other yet, but we figured starting slow would be perfect. I promise you, Y/N, you're not getting rid of me anytime soon."

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