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One Day Until PAX East

Ethan and I decided to have a day in today, considering how weird Mark was being around us. We figured a day together and away from Mark would be nice, and would give him a day to think about everything going on in his head. I told Ethan more about Kyle, and why I was hesitant to do certain things in relationships- that thing being going public. He totally understood, which was nice. Séan checked in on us around one to make sure we were doing okay, letting us know that he was taking Mark out to get him away from us. We debated taking advantage of it, but decided to err on the side of caution when it came to that. We definitely did not want a repeat of the other day. We decided to order in room service, throwing on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, since it looked like it was going to be funny. I curled into Ethan's side, popping a french fry in my mouth as we settled in to watch the show. Eventually, the room service people came back to pick up the plates, so I grabbed our dishes and took them to the door, smiling at the bellboy as I opened it.

"I think that's all of it."

"Perfect. Can I ask, what are you doing here? I'm Jude, by the way. " he smiled at me.

"Y/N. I'm here for PAX."

"Nice. Maybe we can hang out sometime during the weekend? I'll be there too."

"Maybe we can. We'll see. Have a good day, Jude."

I made sure to tip him and shut the door, turning around and being met with the face of Ethan.

"Was he flirting with you?"

"Was he?" I scrunched my face. "I honestly couldn't tell. Did that-"

"Bother me? Yeah." Ethan grabbed my hand and lightly pushed me against the door, staring into my eyes. "You're mine."

I'm not gonna lie, I forgot how to breathe there for a second.

"I- that- I-"

"Shh," I placed a finger on his lips. "That was hot."


"Oh yeah." I smirked. "And uh, I wouldn't mind having company in my shower today, you know," I leaned in to whisper into his ear. "Since I'm yours and all."

It took Ethan a few seconds to understand what I said, gawking at me as I wiggled out of his grasp and made my way into the bathroom. I raised my eyebrows, silently asking him if he was going to come. Moments later he was in the bathroom with me, shutting the door behind him.


Ethan and I found ourselves curled up in the bed again, our shower taking a bit longer than we had thought it was going to... for good reasons. I threw on one of Ethan's hoodies that he had bought just for me to hide the evidence of what had happened, knowing Mark would throw a fit if he saw the state of my chest right now. Thank god I didn't plan to wear any revealing shirts this weekend. A random movie was playing in the background as we were in a heated battle of figuring out who could get farther in Crossy Road, both of us having a pretty good time while we did so. There was a light knock on the door and we both looked up, a smile gracing my face as I saw Amy standing in the doorframe.


"Hey Y/N!" she leaned up against the doorframe. "Mark said I could grab one of his hoodies, so I thought I'd stop in and say hi." she paused. "I'm presuming you're the more awake version of Ethan?"

"Yes, hi."

"You might not remember me, since you were half asleep last time we met. I'm Mark's girlfriend."

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