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I was on edge the past week, but who wasn't? Mark had been keeping a closer eye on Ethan and I, simply because he was scared about Kyle showing up again. I had gotten security cameras from Ring and Mark helped me install them, and we changed the locks on the doors. We had no idea what he had planned, and I sure as hell wasn't going to tell them that he got a new job out here. Everything seemed to be falling apart. I could feel myself slowly losing my sanity, and as much as I didn't want it to affect my relationship with Ethan, I knew he knew something was wrong. I hated keeping secrets from him, I really did, but I was a big girl and I needed to learn how to handle things for myself. I couldn't let a piece of shit human ruin my strong relationship I had with Ethan.

I was absolutely terrified that would happen, if I were being honest. I was terrified that everything happening would show Ethan who I truly was, that secrets from my past would come back to bite me in the ass. I had tried so hard to hide those secrets from him, but now that Kyle was back they might come out. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not super happy with how I acted in the past. I should have said no to Kyle and left it at that. But there were aspects of our relationship not even Mark knew, and I was hoping to keep it that way. I hadn't told anyone the full story and frankly, I didn't want to. People would see me as a horrible girl who just threw herself on the first guy she saw- which frankly, was actually kind of what happened. But I didn't need anyone to know that Kyle was the one who roped me into the world of drugs and sex. Nobody needed to know that. Especially not Mark.

The parts of my relationship that I had kept quiet were the ones I was most ashamed of. Yes, Kyle and I hid a lot of things from everyone around us, but if they were going to come to light now, I'd be seen as a completely different person. I totally had lied to Mark about everything that had gone down, simply because I didn't want anything to come out of it. Simply putting it, I wasn't telling the whole truth. And now that Kyle was back, it made me fear that I'd have to tell the whole truth- which was the one thing I was trying to avoid. The only thing I was trying to avoid, actually. I didn't want anyone to know that he drugged me at a party one night and forced me to kiss him. Or that he forced me to be his girlfriend.

But that wasn't what I needed to be focusing on right now.

Ethan and I were over at Mark's, meeting up with him, Tyler, Amy and Kathryn to discuss more about A Date With Markiplier. I was handed the behind the scenes camera, so I was simply filming the friendly banter as we all started spitballing ideas around. We were mainly trying to figure out how we could make the ending more than it was, and I was fresh out of ideas. I had stayed quiet most of the time, since I had helped him plan most of the series anyway, and watched as everyone talked. It was a nice change from the chaos that is my life, but I still couldn't help but fear something was going to happen. I shook that feeling off, tuning back into the conversation.

"Uh, but originally the mystery door was just gonna be a jumpscare ending but that seems cheap too so... scratch out the jump scare, move the game master to mystery door and then... we're coming up with an ending for escape. So what'cha got? Where do you go from there?" I had to hold back a chuckle at Amy staring at him in awe. "What happens when you've gone on a date, been kidnapped because your date was too cheap?"

"I dunno... you could like grab a blanket, wrap them- wrap it around then and then hail them a car and say go home?" Tyler shrugged.

"We need something more satisfying for the viewers, since they just went through hell."

"So... it could be a loop?" Kathryn suggested. "The dungeon could, like, loop itself."

"Oh that's funny."

"Go through the mystery door."

"Oh, the dungeon comes back to the-"

"The exit leads back to the dungeon."

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