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"Can we try and cook for a video?"

Ethan looked up from where he was sitting across the couch, Luna's head on his lap. His head tilted to the side as he shot me a quizzical look.


"I dunno, I feel like it would be fun." I shrugged. "Luna's birthday is tomorrow, we could make her a cake." Luna's head popped up at the mention of her name. "Do you want a birthday cake? Yeah?"

"Do you think we're smart enough to cook in the same kitchen?"

"Well, we'll figure it out I guess."

Ethan shrugged and got up off the couch, making his way to the kitchen with me. I pulled up some dog-safe cake recipes on google and picked one out, making sure we had all the ingredients needed before going to grab the cameras and setting up. We went with the two angle vibe again, since the video of us dying Ethan's hair went so well. I pressed record on both cameras and grabbed Luna, putting her in my arms like a child and walking into the frame.

"Why the hell are you carrying Luna like a baby?"

"Because she is. She's a big baby." I looked down at her. "You're my big baby, huh?"

"You literally spoil her so much it's wild." Ethan chuckled. "But you are a big baby, huh?"

I gave Luna a big smooch before adjusting her so she was looking towards the camera. "So, this big girl is turning two tomorrow, so we decided we're going to bake her a cake."

"Yes, yes we did."

"We got all our ingredients here, and of course, our birthday girl." I gave Luna another smooch. "Where's her birthday bandana?"

"We got her a birthday bandana?"

"I put it on the credit card."

"Of course you did. Where is it?"

"It should be in the closet with her stuff." I looked back at the camera while Ethan went to go get her bandana. "Since tomorrow is this girl's first birthday with us, I think it's only fair that we spoil the hell out of her and make her a cake and throw her a cute little birthday party. So that's what we're going to do." Ethan came back and started tying the bandana on. "I figured we could make a smaller cake for the video for her to eat, and then have a slightly bigger one for her tomorrow."

"I have a feeling she'll figure out where we're hiding the cake, babe."

"Not if we put it in the fridge. She can't get in there."

"I mean you're not wrong."

We bantered for a few more minutes before I grabbed one of the chairs and sat Luna down on it, making sure she was going to stay before grabbing everything we needed to start cooking. Luna sat patiently and waited for me to prompt her to put her two front paws on the counter, her tongue hanging out of her mouth excitedly as she looked up at me. I knew she was excited about the aspect of the blueberries- which were her favorite snack- being on the counter, but either way she was going to have fun. Ethan and I got ready to go when there was a knock at the door. We looked at each other and back to the camera, then back at each other. Luna hopped off the chair and ran to the door, barking her little heart out.

"Were we expecting anyone?"


I went to the front door, grabbing a towel and wiping my hands off as I did so. I patted Luna on the head as I looked through the front window, not seeing anyone. Curiosity got the better of me and I beckoned Ethan over, pointing to the camera closest to us for him to grab. He unscrewed the camera and walked over, standing a little bit behind Luna and I with the camera. I opened the door and sitting on the front porch was a box. I looked around and saw nobody, which I found very odd. I grabbed the box and turned back towards Ethan, giving him a strange look.

"Isn't that the same color as Mark's channel?"

"It is... Interesting. Well this video took a turn." I chuckled. "Should we open it on camera?"

"I don't see why we shouldn't."

We moved all the lights and one of the cameras to the dining room, setting the box down on the table. We got the camera situated before Ethan came to stand next to me, Luna putting her little paws on the table to be nosy. I didn't even bother shoo-ing her off as we focused on opening the box, both of us pulling away to make sure nothing jumped out at us. When we were certain it wasn't booby trapped we opened the box the rest of the way. Inside were two jumpsuit style jackets, one red and one green. I flipped it around and realized it said "MARKIPLIER'S YOU'RE WELCOME TOUR" on the back and both jackets had our names embroidered in the front.

"Is this a fucking tour invitation?"

"It might be."

I pulled the decorative grass out of the box to see what else was inside, which included a poster, I'm presuming some first draft merch and a couple of pins. There was also a letter, which I read outloud.

"To Y/N and Ethan. This is your formal invitation to officially come tour the world with us on the You're Welcome Tour. Yes we know we wrote you into the show but you needed an invitation so here it is. Chica says hi. Love, Mark." I chuckled. "Well I guess we're able to announce it on our channel now."

"On our channel?" Ethan looked at me.

"I- I meant channels, silly." I blushed, looking away from him quickly and back into the box. "I wonder what else is in here?"

"We're not done with that conversation."

"I know."

We spent the rest of the afternoon cooking for Luna and deciding to do the tour announcement video separately. Everything got cleaned up and we put all the supplies away just around dinner time and finally got to sit down for the day. I threw on a random youtube playlist in the background as I leaned up against Ethan's side, letting him play with my hair a bit.


"Hm?" I leaned back so I could look up at Ethan. "What's up?"

"Earlier, when you said our channel, what did you mean by that?"

I felt myself blush again. "Oh uh, nothing."

"Did you want to make a joint channel?"

"I-I mean..." I turned to face Ethan. "We can if you want."

"I think it'd be cute." Ethan smiled at me. "Imagine all the stupidly adorable couples videos we could put on there."

"Do you want to?"

"I want to do whatever you want to do about it."

Luna came and curled herself up against Ethan's side, placing her head on his lap so I could give her pets. I smiled and leaned back up against Ethan's shoulder, figuring it would be best to think about it for now. We both had our own channels to deal with right now, and it probably would be a better idea to wait and see if having a joint channel would even be possible.

"How about this?" I started playing with Ethan's fingers as I spoke. "We'll put the joint channel on the backburner for now, and revisit it in a bit? We're both so busy with our main channels, and I don't want the joint one to be forgotten if we both can't keep up with it, you know?"

"That makes sense." Ethan placed a kiss on the top of my head. "For now, we can focus on the tour, our own channels and all the other things we need to do that we're not talking about because if we talk about them, they become real."

"Exactly." I curled closer into Ethan. "Let's just... pretend life doesn't exist for a while."

"I like that idea."

"Me too."

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