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Day Two of PAX East

Somehow, I had convinced Mark to let me hang out with Ethan, since he was going to be busy doing meet and greets for a good chunk of the day. I'm pretty sure he got the gang to agree to spy on me, but I didn't really care because it meant Ethan and I could spend time together. We agreed to meet for breakfast, then walk over to the convention center together since Mark and Séan were already on their way. I saw him eye me as we were joking, and I simply glared back at him as Ethan happened to get distracted by a squirrel outside. By the time we were finished with breakfast we decided it was time to head over to the convention center and continued our crazy banter, a couple fans taking pictures of us from afar. I figured they were going to be put on twitter, and I was glad I followed Ethan yesterday. As we waited to cross the street I scrolled through a couple of the pictures, chuckling as a few from yesterday popped up as well.

@y/niplier : damn, we look good here @CrankGameplays RT @markimoofan: look at @y/niplier and her new friend (??) they've been together all of PAX East!

We continued walking down the street, doing our usual chaotic stuff together as we made our way towards the convention center, figuring out what we were going to do today. After being stopped by a few fans who were nice enough to ask for a picture instead of just taking one, we spent our morning walking around the vendors and trying to find cute little things to buy. I was being careful about spending too much of the money Mark gave me, because I promised to give him back some change. Granted, I wanted to spend all of it and probably would end up spending all of it by mistake, which was most likely what he was expecting. God, I really needed a job.

We stopped in at a couple of panels, and I decided to get payback on Mark and surprise him during a meet and greet. I figured it was only fair, considering he had sprung so much on me the past few days. While Ethan was in line for Mark's autograph, I snuck backstage and found his little autograph area, peeking my head out of the curtain and looking for Ethan. He was about three people away, so I watched carefully and waited until he was at the table to run out and grab Mark from behind.

"You're comin' with me, punk!"

"What the hell-" Mark flailed his arms as Ethan and I burst out laughing, fist bumping over the table. "You two are so in for it."

"In for what? I'm not coming back, remember? I'm running away to Timbuktu to marry the enemy." I batted my eyelashes, smiling sweetly. "Now sign this poor boys autograph so we can go to our next panel."

I jumped over the table and stood back next to Ethan, ruffling Mark's hair as he signed the picture Ethan had picked out for him to autograph. We made our way to the next panel, enjoying our time with each other. A couple more fans stopped me throughout the day but not many, and we were able to sneak out around three to go walk around the city. We made sure to drop off our stuff back in our rooms before we did, me grabbing my "emergency credit card" since I didn't really have a lot of money left on my debit card, as well as my purse and changing into more comfortable clothing. I met up with Ethan in the lobby and we decided to go to one of the nearby parks, finding those pay to ride scooters and scootering our way through the city. We made it to the park about twenty minutes later, both of us giggling like school girls. After walking through the park for a while we found ourselves a cute little area under some trees to sit, sprawling out on the grass. I laid down on my back, stretching my arms up in the air and moving around until I was comfortable.

"You know, you're super cool." I looked up to Ethan. "Like, I'm glad I met you."

"To think we probably wouldn't have become friends if I didn't run into you in the hallway the other day."

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