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Day Two of PAX East 2015

Ethan's arms were wrapped tightly around me as I woke up the next morning, the covers draped haphazardly over the two of us. I shifted so I'd be able to look at him, a smile forming on my face as I brushed some of the hair away from his. We both knew what today was- the day that Mark and I went back to LA, Séan went back to Ireland and Ethan went back home to Maine. He still had no clue that I was going to be seeing him in a little over a month, and as much as I wanted to tell him that we wouldn't be apart for that long this time, I didn't want to spoil that surprise for him. I hated keeping such a big surprise from him, but I knew it would be worth it. I moved so I could be as close to him as I could muster, wrapping my arms around him the best I could as he slowly woke up.


"Good morning, sleepy." I placed a small kiss on his nose. "How was your night?"

"Absolutely amazing." he smiled.

"You should make sure to put on a shirt before Mark storms through that door."

"Mm, but that means we'd have to get up. And if we get up, we have to start our day."

"It's only seven, babe. We don't have to start anything yet."

"Can we stay in bed a bit longer? Please?"

I chuckled. "Of course we can."

I texted Mark to make sure he knew that Ethan was still "sleeping" so he needed to send me a text when he was ready to go. We had planned to hang out today with the boys, but at this point I had no idea if Ethan would let me get out of bed. I looked across the room to my suitcase that was sitting on the bed, internally fighting a battle with myself in my head. Part of me wanted to go back to Maine with the Nestor's, but I also didn't want to invade their house like that. They were already nice enough to let me come in June for that week, and trust me enough to take Ethan back to LA with me. But being with him was so nice, I didn't want this to end. It was the battle I fought every time we were together, and it was getting harder and harder to fight the urge to leave him. I hated this. The long distance was a killer. But I'd do anything for Ethan, if I were being honest. And if it meant we had to be long distance for another five years, I'd do it.

But also, there was the whole debacle I was going through on the down low- my friend Kathryn, who I had met through Mark when we first moved out here, we wanted to get a place together. It would totally be a change that I wasn't sure how Mark was going to react to, but I was ready. I wanted to start gearing towards getting my own place, and eventually a place with Ethan if we lasted that long. We had a few places we were looking at, and one that was pretty close to the apartment that Mark was thinking of moving to. It wasn't going to be the end of the world if we didn't get to move to the place, obviously, but I was ready to start living my life as a content creator outside of the world of Mark's house. I was ready for the change, but I didn't know if Mark was ready. We had gotten so close over the years of us living together, and I'd hate to spring this on him especially after how tense everything had gotten this week. But I'd have to tell him eventually, right?

Ethan fell back asleep and I took the opportunity to sneak out of his arms, slipping through the door that connected our room to Mark and Séan's, crawling into the bed with Mark. He looked away from his phone, staring down at me as I curled into his side.


"I need you to give Ethan a reason to move to LA."

"You're not enough of a reason?"

"You said you were looking for an editor, right? Ask him. Give him a reason to come home with us. I don't think I can take the long distance much longer."

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