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Two Days Until PAX East

Despite our little interaction yesterday, everything seemed to be going fine. At least, I hoped it was. We finally got to introduce Ethan to the rest of the gang, and decided today to go to Dave and Busters and chillax with the group. The morning was filled with stolen kisses and many hand squeezes, just trying to enjoy the time with everyone. It got a little bit weird at one point, but that was only because Wade pointed out how cute we looked curled up together. I could tell Mark wanted to say something, but the glare I shot him seemed to shut him up. I could tell Ethan was nervous as all hell, and he barely let go of my hand the entire time we were sitting in Bob and Mandy's room. After a while he seemed to get into the groove of things, especially since it wasn't like New Year's and everyone was sober. The two of us sat in the corner, chilling together and sipping on our non-alcoholic fizzing grape juice, which Bob made sure to pick up on the way. I doubted that Ethan and I were going to hang out with them at all while they were drinking, since both of us had sort of a sensory overload the last time we did. So we decided it would be better for us to sit back and enjoy our time together.

"Who's ready for Dave and Busters?"

"Now? It's eleven in the morning-"

"We can stop and get lunch on the way. Let's go before the night crowds come in."

"You just want to beat my ass at air hockey." Séan dramatically rolled his eyes.

"I mean yeah, but, also it should not be as crowded since a lot of people are still in school." Mark pointed out, a wild look on his face.

"I mean we could go now, if you wanted to."

"Let's do it! To the van!"

Everyone ran out before us, and Ethan and I ended up getting downstairs to the van last. Which was probably how we found ourselves smushed in the super back seat of the van Mark had rented, trying to not go crazy while everyone decided to act like absolute children.

"Are they usually like this?"

"Mark and Tyler, yeah." I looked over at him. "They've been like that as long as we've known him. Mark met Bob and Wade in college, so I don't know much about their friendship other than Wade is the butt of their jokes. He takes it like a champ, though."


"Hey, are you okay?" I squeezed his hand lightly, turning his head to face me. "What's up?"

"I guess I'm not used to it."

I gave him a look. "Okay. Let me know if it gets to be too much, yeah?"


Eventually we got to Dave and Busters and I gave Ethan a quick kiss, following everyone out of the van and inside. We all split our ways, me and Ethan going over to ski-ball for a bit since I was a boss at that game and I told him I'd beat him at the game. Mandy and Wade joined us shortly after, taking the two lanes on either side of us and joining in on the fun. I was in the lead with 16,000, far ahead of Ethan who had 10,000. I wasn't even paying attention to Mandy and Wade, mostly focusing on beating Ethan's ass. At least for this game. The final bell rang and Ethan looked up in desperation, letting out a sigh as he noticed my score.

"There's no way you're that good!"

"I'm that good." I chuckled. "You wanna rematch?"

"Oh hell yes. You already know I'm going to beat your ass this time."

We put in some more credits and started to play again, and I purposely scored slower to give Ethan a bit of a lead before I started scoring in the highest number hole. Within the last few seconds I scored higher than him, turning to face him as I "misthrew" my last ball to let him win. I couldn't help but chuckle again as I saw his face light up with excitement, jumping up and down in triumph as he sang a little ditty about winning. I saw Mark beckon us over so I grabbed my stuff, grabbing Ethan's wrist and pulling him over to a four-way hockey table.

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