- One.

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"You're really not joking huh?" She asked and I shake my head and looked at her through the mirror

Jisoo sighed deeply before sitting beside me. I'm going to Busan after this week, I can't do anything about it, it's my mom's decision.

"I can't do anything about it Ji, you know my mom" I muttered and she handed me my bottle water before picking ourselves up and leave the dance studio.

It's been 11 months since I came here in Seoul after living in Australia for 3 years with my father now I came back in Seoul mom is bring me to Busan with her.

My mom enrolled me in a dance class because she knew I always love dance and I was modeling back when we're in Melbourne. I always follow my mom, She made me join acting workshops but it doesn't work with me, I like modeling more.

I will be leaving our home here in Itaewon for good and that's according to my mom. She's currently in Busan and I will be flying there, she's there for our family business. A beach resort.

"We just graduated high school, I can't believe she's actually letting you study in Busan for college? I was expecting at least that you'll study in SNU or Yonsei or those other universities!" Jisoo said and I chuckled, we sat inside the bubble tea shop and I look at my phone.

"Do you think this has something to do with Hyunjin?" She asked and I shake my head.

"Mom isn't even strict with me going out with Hyunjin, so I doubt it's about that" I shrugged and we walked to her car after finishing our drink.

"Are we going straight to my place or you want to go home first before we go to Taehyun's house?" Jisoo asked and I look at my bag and sigh softly.

"Let's go to your place, I bought my clothes with me"

And that's what happened. It's our friend Taehyun's birthday today, and I'm sure my boyfriend Hyunjin will be there, I haven't told her about me leaving seoul and honestly I don't know what would be his reaction.

It's 5:00 pm when we left Jisoo's house and went to taehyun which was just nearby from her place. Hyunjin was there and he immediately kissed my lips. Hyunjin is in college now. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

Hyunjin is shy yet very boyish, it's his smile and warm personality made me fall for him. He's a rule breaker and me being a bit prim and proper.

"You won't be going home tonight.." He whispered as he wrapped his arm around me and I chuckled and shake my head.

"Hyunjin, you know that can't happen. You promised my mom" I said and he laughed and kisses my nose and nodded

"Of course baby, I was just teasing." He said and held my hand as we walk to greet Taehyun who's already a bit in a chaos mode with his other friends.

Jisoo is already doing shots, She's in college too, I think most of my friends here in Seoul are already in college except Sanha.

Later on, Hyunjin left along when his colleagues came. Taehyun's house is big and spacious and a lot of people came to celebrate with him. Hyunjin's girl friends are here and eyeing me badly. I know, three months of dating him, I know they despise me.

"Y/N! You're here!" Yeonjun waves his hand and I smiled as they approached me

"Thank you for coming here!" Taehyun said once again and I looked behind to see where Jisoo and Hyunjin is.

"You're welcome, I wouldn't miss it, You're a family friend" I muttered softly and he chuckles before looking at me seriously.

"But is it true that you're moving to Busan?" Taehyun asked and my smile dropped and nodded.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now