Forty Nine

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Hello! If you're reading this it means you have reached the end of the book.

Writing taking chances is a very bumpy road, there are times where I barely update, I think we can count on our fingertips how many times I have updated this story last year yet we still made it to the end.
Thank you for supporting this, I know those people who have been in the ride with me since the disclaimer of the story, so this chapter goes to you guys.

Work is going well, Minjun was very entertained by the staffs and the photographer couldn't stop taking photos of him but at some point, Jimin has to take him to his office.

The dinner was already arranged by Jimin and that would be later tonight. He was really serious when he said that he wanted to have a formal dinner with mommy as soon as possible.

In the middle of work, I remember that I have to call Hyunjin and Jisoo to tell them that I am getting married with Jimin. Ms. JiAh looked at me with a huge smile on his face as she was guiding the stylist on my make up. I dialed Jisoo's number and she answered immediately.

"Hello, Jisoo!" I greeted cheerfully yet I was so nervous because I don't know how they will react but then I remember that these two owe me one because none of them told me about natalia!

"Oh my god! Y/N I've been waiting for you call!" Jisoo said as equal as my happy voice, I giggled and bite my lip.

"I called because I want you to let you know about something" I said and Jisoo let out a hum and I can hear someone speaking from the background and I guess she's in work right now.

"Well, okay. I just want to let you know that Jimin and I, we're officially together again. I'm getting married soon. His family will be having a dinner with my mom tonight. I'll tell you more details when it's finali-

"You! Oh my god! Are you fucking serious? Finally! Where are you? I'm going there now!" She said and I laugh, I look at the time and it's just three in the afternoon, we'll wrap up by five.

"I'm in the P&G building for a shoot. It's not that busy, you can come."

After that call with Jisoo, I called Hyunjin and he was happy as Jisoo but unfortunately we won't meet anytime before I go back to Busan because he's in Switzerland for a month but he promised me that he will be home for my wedding.

Forty five minutes after the call Jisoo arrived and the set became more jolly as she is already getting friendly with everyone and as soon as I'm done with what I'm doing she walked up to me and hugged me tightly.

"God! I'm so happy for you! What happened to "I don't have plans on getting back with him I just want to introduce Minjun to him" Now you are getting married!" She said and I laugh, I sat on my high chair and I look at her through the mirror.

"I was actually waiting for your call of confirmation because I already heard people talking about it! When did you two came up with this decision?" She asked as she leaned close. I smiled at her and grab her hand.

"It was crazy! I couldn't believe that we are actually back together and with mommy's blessing. We first talk about it the night of my grandfather's birthday but we mutually agreed to it last night." I said and she squealed again and pulled me in another tight hug.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now