Forty Three

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I got a slot from Andersson Bell and I got a slot for Ms. Joo as well so I have Andersson and Ms. Joo at the same show. 

"Oh my god Y/N! I saw Daesun! Eunseok's son and I got it confirmed that your son is not Eunseok's! If I didn't met him, I wouldn't know that fact!" Ms. Joo said when she finally reaches me and I gave her a light smile. 

We are in a secluded room, away from everyone and the only person here is me, her and a lady who's assisting me with my fitting. I trust her but I am still hesitant to tell her everything. 

"And I am now hearing some gossips that your son is Park Jimin's? Is that true? I thought he's just courting you? He's the father of your son? Do you have a picture of your son?" 

I look at her and I don't know if I should confirm it or what. Ms. Joo looked so curious now and there's no way escaping this. If I run away now, she'll just corner me again about it so I took Jimin's phone and unlocked it and show her the images he took of my son. 

"Kim Minjun. He's seven." 

I saw how her forehead creased as she look at the picture and her eyes slowly widened. ]

"Oh my god. He does look like his father. This should be Park Minjun. But how.."

I sighed and hummed. Jimin and I talked about this, he said that he'll process the papers soon. I took the phone when Ms. Joo returned it. "He's my ex back when I was nineteen." 

"Nineteen?!?" Ms. Joo looked at me from head to toe as if she's looking for something that I was still hiding. 

I chuckled and I leaned to kiss her cheek as I finished my fitting. 

Ms. Joo looked at me like she couldn't believe that I got pregnant at that age.

"Well, I think he should marry you now!

I look at her and I know there's a lot more so I let her speak her mind. 

Jimin pursued me even before he knew that Minjun was his son. He wanted me to introduce my son to him. What is he thinking back then? Does he think that it will be difficult for me to ignore him if he gets to my son. But now I am thinking about other people's opinion, does they think that Jimin should marry me because we have a son? Is that it?

Ms. Joo and I walked out of the room and Jeon Seoyeon walked towards us and I suddenly felt pressured that two of the most well known designers and fashion icons are standing beside me. We walk out of the hallway where more models are waiting for their turn and popular models walk towards us, Selena and Gianni were there, greeting Seoyeon and Ms. Joo. 

"We have a Elite model with you!" Seoyeon proudly said and I smiled and waved my hand and bowed a bit. 

Some models laughed and a popular model came to me and introduces herself while the two designers are busy entertaining their models. 

"Stella, don't you have a crush on Engineer Park Jimin?" 

"I know Ms. Joo!" She said with a hint of disappointment in her voice then she looked at me with a friendly and genuine smile. "He's taken! All this time I thought he's single but he had a son and with Ms. Kim!"

I cleared my throat and look away awkwardly and my eyes drifted to Gianni who looked serious as she takes the news. 

"Hello! He's not taken! Have you ever heard of separate parents?" Selena said 

Ms. Joo chuckled, "This girl! He was courting her!" She said and looked at me "They will marry each other"


"Ms. Joo." I tried to stop her. "Uh.. She's right. He's technically single as I am technically single too and.. we have no plans about marriage.. so yeah she's right" I said, immediately stopping the rumors and news that might stir because of what she said. 

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now