- Twenty Nine

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I got accepted in the other offers too, I took my time auditioning for those, I was not in myself, I was nervous and scared but not for those but because of what will happen the next day.

I am not sure if I want him to be in the meeting tomorrow but I know I need to see him, I know that I wouldn't get to talk to him right away about Minjun and I will wait until it's good to talk.

I called Jisoo at the night before the contract signing, with my son sleeping beside me, I wa staring at him as he sleep, thinking what would his father will say to him when they finally meet. I know Minjun would be too excited and he'd hope and ask for more.

I went out to the balcony so Minjun wouldn't hear incase he wakes up.

"It's not just the name Ji, He was the best back then he topped the board exams.."

Jisoo starts coughing as if she just choked, I laughed softly and I look at the lights that light up the pathways.

Jimin have achieved a lot of things already and I felt ashamed that at some point back then I tried to stop his dreams because I was immature. I'm glad though, I am happy that he is where he deserves now. It was from all of his hardwork and talent. Even if Jisoo said that he's affiliated with Chaebol Parks. I know back then that he can do it on his own and he really did.

I exhaled and went back inside after that call with Jisoo.

"Mommy why are you still up?" Minjun asked in a very sleepy voice.

I smiled and laid beside him. I realize then that I should really put him in a different room because I know that I will have more sleepless nights.

I kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly.

"Just getting ready for tomorrow baby, i'll sleep now. Good night, minjun" I whispered.

"Night mom." He whispered.

I woke up very early the next day and my agent called me exactly right after I showered for my contract signing schedule.

"Who will be there?" I asked as I look at my routines.

"The people that you have seen in the audition and there will be 3 models with you for the television ad, but you are the main face. The creatives will be there and your glam team. The creative director will assist you, I will you from then on, but I'll check on you from time to time."

I nodded my head and I didn't directly ask if the president will be there and I just assumed that he will be since he was in the auditions.

I ignored my mother's remarks and I look at minjun who was in a very good mood since Eunseok's grandchildren's will be here to play with Minjun and my baby is expecting them today.

"Y/N? Have you told him that you'll moving him in his own room?" Eunseok asked and I nodded.

"Yup, he's fine with it." I answered.

When I walk in the living room after preparing, I saw my mother talking to some party organizers. I nodded at them and I went to kiss mommy's cheeks to say goodbye.

And then I found out that she will organizing a party for grandpa's birthday.

I sighed heavily and went to the parking, another reason f my mother to spend so much. Birthday's are important and it was Grandpa's but mommy organizing it will put a big hole in my pocket.

I was calm, I parked my car on the basement and I met with my agent on the lobby. I checked myself on the elevator's mirror. I'm wearing a grey suit trousers, a grey hoodie and a navy blue blazer and my simple handbag and a light make up. I breathed heavily and we end up in the office of the executive.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now