- Seven

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I smiled widely and shake the hands of the adviser of the dance troupe, Jimin was standing a few steps away from us and the seniors who was judging was looking at their feet, I swallowed thickly.

I don't want this to be another issue.

"Mr. Park, thank you so much for bringing Ms. Kim back" Ms. Jung said

Jimin just simply said welcome, the seniors left after everything is settled but I went after them.

"Hye-In-ssi, I'm sorry for what happened, I didn't want this to be a misunderstanding between us and to others..." I said softly and the seniors looked at me.

"We're sorry too Y/N, this won't happen again and welcome to the team" She said and that made me feel a bit relieved.

Thank god that they got scolded in a private room. I don't want them to feel humiliated as well and It can cause me more trouble.

I smiled and looked at Jimin.

"Thank you,"

I breathed softly as I sat beside the other members of the team, I am relieved that none of them were rude to me, everyone was welcoming and civil.

I hope this will be the start and I start hoping again that I might gain some friends but for now, I am content with the way they are treating me. 

In my relief and surprise the next days were way better too. The filthy comments and remarks from the boys weren't there anymore, they're just watching me with serious stares.

My days are better, the change in the people's treatment of me makes me really happy.

I looked outside the window after the long day of lectures in chemistry. I stretches my hand and I was startled when my name was called.

"Kim Y/N..." Jimin called and I looked at him with bewildered expression and I bite my lips and looked around.

My classmates are looking at me when I heard Jimin spoke again.

"Who got the highest score again?" He asked.

"Kim Y/N sir..." The person who was checking my paper said.

My eyes widen, I looked at Jimin and he smirked at me. My classmates were looking at me then to Jimin. I couldn't hide my smile so I looked away and pretend that I was looking outside again and swallowed hardly.

My other class were better too, it's been a week and I can tell that my disposition is a lot better now, way better.

"Y/N..." I looked behind and I saw Ethel looking at me.

"Is it true that Sir Jimin wouldn't be our professor anymore?" She asked and I tilted my head and shakes my head.

"I-I don't really know Ethel, why?"

"Oh I just asked because that's what the other's say. I asked you because I thought you're close with Sir Jimin so I thought you'd know."

Close? Since when?

"Uh, we're not close, s-so I don't really know" I said.

My breath hitched when I felt myself blushing, I felt shy. I didn't know that they see us like that.

Jimin always calls me in recitations, probably that's why they think that we're close? A part of me wants to give my very best just to see his brow shot up and smirk.

Wait. What?

I shake my head and I realized that Ethel's group already left.

I sat on the edge of the bed and thought about it.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now