- Twenty Three

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I cried and cried, feeling so angry with what happened. 2 weeks has passed and it didn't back down, not even a bit. And I am sure that's the same from Jimin.

I was miserable, again I felt so alone. Jimin returned my phone 4 days after that day, I didn't ask him if he watched the video, I just took my phone back with puffy eyes but there are days where I see him near the university, like he used to do. There are days where I see him try make some time for me but I didn't dare to do the same to him. It's over and I'd like to think about it that way and nothing else.

A few days ago I heard from the basketball team that Natalia and Jimin has been going out frequently and I heard that they're getting even closer. Good for them.

I refused everything, I refused joining the dance team whenever they are going out to have a day at the beach, I refused to come with Katrina whenever we're having a grouping and I don't care if they get mad at me. I will do my part but I won't ever attend.

It felt too unbearable the next week, I heard mom fighting with my father over the phone almost everyday. Nothing can help because I don't have anyone to tell about this, and today was too harsh because it's the last string and everything fell apart.

"Y/N! What's wrong with you?" Mom asked

I look at her and blinked a few times.

I saw her and there's a guy beside her, seemed like he's around my age. I immediately know that he's one of my mom's guest this afternoon.

I don't go out anymore, I don't hang in the resort anymore, I don't take walk on the beach anymore, I lock myself in my room, I was just staring, I am not crying but there are so many things in my head. I know that this is bad for my health as I was already feeling so weak and tired most of the time plus the sadness that I have within me.

I look at my mom and her gaze has their meanings, she looked at me then to the man standing beside her, I know my mom and I know when something is running through that head of hers and I don't like the feeling of it.

"This is Joshua Hong, he's an engineer and will work in the resort renovations, Joshua this is my daughter Y/N" Mom said smiling and I feel so relieved to know that he's just here for work.

He laid his hand and I took it out of respect, I give him a firm hand shake and look at my mom before looking at him as I took my hand back.

"Pleasure to meet you, Engineer" I said.

"Anyway Y/N come and Join us, Engineer will show us around to their old mansion, It's near here" She said and took my hand and I couldn't do anything about it.

I followed them and for the first time I stepped on the beach again. Engineer Hong looked at me before following me and my mom.

"He was at your party Y/N" Mom blurted out when we're already half way away from the mansion. My heart trembled because we are going to pass by the Park's house and I can already see Jimin's father standing outside their house.

I didn't say anything because I don't even know what to say, Mom stopped walking and looked at me.

"You know back then, The age difference bothered me, but now I realized that It's okay Joshua"

I pulled my hand away and mom just looked at me, I know where this conversation is going.

"Arrange marriage is how your family did back then right?"

Joshua chuckled, "I know, but that never worked for my parents obviously"

We started walking again and mom laughed, we're nearing the Park's house and I am so nervous but at the same time I was relieved when Mr. Park went inside.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now