- Nine

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I sighed heavily after putting bandage on my wounds and sat on the bed, my phone stopped ringing after a while and I felt satisfied seeing Jimin's missed calls and texts on my screen.


I'm sorry, I was just hanging out with friends while waiting for you to say yes.


I'm at the beach front a bit away from the mansion

I furrowed my eyebrows and went close to the window, my breath hitched when I saw Jimin was really there and it has been 30 minutes since his text.

He has been there since earlier?

I breathed softly and went out without actually thinking and looked at the bandaids on my feet and hand.

My feet touched the sand and I look at the endless sea, watching the water hit the shore. I sat on the sand and started to compose my message for Jimin.

My eyebrows furrowed when I saw a pair of feet standing just a few steps away from me, I looked up and it was Jimin.

He looked serious and his jaw was clenching and his eyes were fixated on my bandaged foot.

"Why are you here? I told you don't follow me"

His eyes turned up and our gazes met, I swallowed nervously when his eyes darkened.

"You won't answer my calls, I wanna talk" he said slowly and he started walking towards me again.

I feel like my heart will explode as I watch him come closer. I just blinked and he was already in front of me, crouching down and gently grabbed my hand and seriously examined my hand.

He eyed me sharply and I feel like I stopped breathing for a moment.

Jimin sighed, he looked at me again and our eyes locked.

"Why did you run? Are you mad? You should've come closer and joined us,"

Now that made me feel ashamed, what I did was childish but it happened already.

"Let's not talk about it,"

He raised his eyebrows and he slowly caresses my knuckle with his thumb.

"No, you got mad at me for the first time. I wouldn't just forget about it" He said.

I sighed and it made me think about what I did, it was stupid and rude, I was on the edge of my emotions and pushed him even.

"Why did you go there through that path? Look what happened to you," He said and shakes his hand lightly.

I didn't say anything. I don't know what to say.

"You could've texted me, I would pick you up so we can meet."

"Why are we going to meet when you have guests!" I said without stopping my mouth now.

I saw his eyes widen and he remained quiet for a moment and he was just staring at me.

"Those are just my friends, and don't ever take that route again"

I snickered, "You don't want me to take that route again because you don't want me to see again what I saw earlier?"

I remember the way he smiled and laugh with her and It made me feel frustrated.

Jimin's jaw clenched and a playful grin appeared on his lips, he raised his eyebrow and titled his head a bit. He licked his lips and chuckle.

"Jealous girl," he labeled

"I am not!" I said, lightly pushing him

He bite his lower lip and chucked, liking his lip repeatedly and I feel myself blushing watching him do that.

"Why would I be jealous! I don't even like you!" I said trying to save my face.

Jimin groaned and shut his eyes tightly, I furrowed my eyebrows and cursed quietly as I watch him make fun of the situation.

"You're already rejecting me.." he said slowly

"What? You're not even courting me,"

His eyes softened and our eyes met again and he smiled at me.

"That was just my friends, Natalia is my colleague, we're just frie—

"You don't have to explain Jimin, I told you I am not jelaous."

He grinned and hummed softly and I pulled my hand away from his grasp.

"Fine, you're not jealous" he said "I wanna explain though so you can forgive me"

He looked at me again, his eyes grew darker again and I thought I saw pain and frustration on his eyes but the next thing he was smirking evilly.

"I'll court you, I thought I made myself obvious, I'll court you starting today"

Suddenly everything was quiet, the only thing I can hear is the sound of my own heart beating loudly.

I swallowed hard and I look into his eyes.

"I know it's complicated... but..." He shakes his head and his eyes drifted on my lips.

No one spoke for the next minutes, Jimin moved and sat beside me.

My head is filled with thought about what he just said.

He will court me?

He was looking at the sea and I look at him before looking ahead too,

I find Jimin dangerous, the way he handle himself, he's confident.

He makes me so nervous while I don't do much to him, he's intimidating me.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked and I nodded without looking at him.

For some reason I am scared.

"Are you still mad at me?"

I shake my head and shrugged, I closed my eyes as his words echoes in my head.

"I don't know," I said honestly "I don't know if I am mad at you or what"

He hummed and I had the courage to look at him now.

I stare into his eyes, I tried to find any hint of insincerity on his eyes but I can't. I want to ask him about what he just said but I couldn't bring myself to ask.

"That's okay, but I hope you believe me because Natalia and I, we're nothing but colleagues, friends."

I bite my lip and Jimin grabbed my hand and held it gently. I feel my face heating up again.

None of us say anything and we stayed there til the sun sets, he stood up and finally let my hand go.

My hand felt bare.

"I'll call you, go inside and eat dinner."  He said.

I lick my lip and nodded, Jimin put his hand in his pockets and watches me go, I look back and he was still there and just left when I finally got in and 10 minutes later, Jimin texted saying he was home.

I just can't seem to control the loud beating of my heart.

This just seem to be so dangerous.

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