Thirty Two

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"You know, you should clear all the rumors about you and Eunseok, honestly everyone here thinks you are married to him because, God. The extent of your mothers antics made everyone believe that the wedding happened because there's an invitation" Jisoo ranted on the phone.

I sighed heavily and stare at my screen.

"I know you're not poor so don't restrict yourself, My god Y/N! Buy a condo unit!" She started that topic again.

"I honestly don't want to buy a condo since I know that Minjun and I won't be staying here for good. After everything we're leaving." I said and I can exactly tell that she's rolling her eyes at me right now.

"Then sell it after." She said and I sighed. "Honestly, I think Jimn's hitting on yo-

"He's not. Please Ji he said that he moved on and he's done."

"C'mon Y/N! Don't be that unassuming. He could be plus come to think of it, why did he ask you for dinner? Came to you at the opening? Then went to the grocery with you? Who's ex would do that? Your ex!"

"Jisoo, I don't have any intention to be involved with him again with that kind of relationship." I said, a bit irritated.

"I know Y/N but don't you want Minjun to have a complete family? Jimin can help you raise him.."

I decide not to answer Jisoo's arguments anymore and said goodbye to her already. I sighed heavily as memories of yesterday starts flooding my head again. I don't think I'd be able to handle to be in that kind of relationship again. It almost wreck me, it almost wreck Jimin. That kind of love that we have before was toxic and it will destroy either of us. I swore to myself before that I will never love that way again. Not with him. Not again.

I close my eyes. It could still be here... within me, just buried with me. I shake my head and head for the bed.

When I woke up the next day, I started my work out routine to prepare for the catwalk and my mom was too occupied with the preparations of my grandfather's birthday. It was just around the corner.

"Y/N, did you know that Sohee will be here by next week?" She asked and I stopped what I'm doing and look at her.

"She didn't say anything to me the last time we talked." I said and my mother nodded.

"They'll go by plane since her husband's close relatives are invited." Jimin's brother. Yoongi, I study my mom's feature and I chewed on my lower lip as nothing changed with her expression.

All I know when Sohee ended up with Yoongi, she was devastated, she was blaming herself that she didn't get to protect Sohee.

"Do you have some plans to go out with her?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes mom, we already agreed with that, I have plans to go out with Jisoo and Hyunjin too."

"Uh huh." Mom said and I raised my eyebrow at her. "Anyway, You're seen in Joo's restaurant opening.. with that man."

I turn towards her as I know where this conversation is going.


"Look Y/N, You're old enough. I don't care and I won't meddle with your plans but I just hope that his Family and he himself won't deny my grandson because I swear to god, I will hate you so much as well."

I swallowed hard. I know, even to me if Jimin or his family denies Minjun it will break my heart so I understand where my mom is coming from.

"What will you do if they won't accept him?"

I bite my lip and look down for a bit before looking at her again. "We'll leave immediately."

"And Minjun?"

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