- Six

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I spent the whole weekend locked up in my room and practicing the dance routines and I spend times in my room as I was studying Jimin's explanation and I was thinking about what happened that saturday.

Mom checked on me when I got home and asked about what happened to the group, of course I didn't told her about the group that ditched me and I didn't dare to mention Jimin to him.

But honestly I am curious about what would be my mom's reaction.

"That's a very great routines" Yugyeom said and I stopped in my tracks and I look at him and I saw mom silently clapping her hands.

I smiled widely, their positive praises gave life to my dying confidence.

"I'm sure you'd get in the group, my friends and I will cheer for you" Yugyeom said and I smiled at them and mom started talking about hierarchy again.

That's all matters to her, It's tiring to think about it to be honest so I just let her but I don't like it when she starts talking things about the friends I left in Seoul.

Jisoo is a genuine friend of mine.

Monday came, I start thinking about my chances of getting out of here. I will leave this place without hesitation though If I make friends here sure it will be hard for me to leave them behind.

I came in the school early, I registered my name for the attendance and then we're free to roam before the actual auditions starts.

"Good luck Y/N!!" Bam said and I smiled and nodded, Seulgi and Yeri gave me a thumbs up.

I ate my lunch alone and after that I changed into a cheerdance uniform.

And my nervousness grew even more as I saw how many people were waiting in the auditorium, uniformed students from the volleyball and basketball boys were seated in the bleachers.

Exactly one in the afternoon when the audition started, Yugyeom and his friends sat beside me, I shared my nervousness with Seulgi and Eunwoo. Both of them were rubbing my back in hope of calming me down.

A couple of people were rejected already and My nervousness grew even more when my name is finally called.

No one is cheering for me aside from Yugyeom, Bambam, Eunwoo, Seulgi and Yeri. But it was a deafening silence but I tried thinking that their silence means they're giving me a chance to finally prove myself and finally earn their respect.

"The audio is not working!" Someone said and my eyes widen, I look behind them but one of the judges, one of the seniors looked at me

"Next. You're just holding this audition back."

The audience started booing and my ears are ringing from all the comments, this is so much. I looked at the seniors and with full determination I said that I will dance without the music.

I got the signal and I began my routines, I heard some sexual remarks and Yugyeom was yelling for them to stop and my head felt lightheaded. I swallowed thickly.

It felt awkward dancing without the music. I closed my eyes and my body moved to the rhythm inside my head. It was a smooth and flawless execution and I couldn't feel my trembling knees.

I danced my fate.

When I finished everyone was quiet, some were clapping from the basketball and volleyball team and some seniors.

"I don't like it!" One of the judges said and I furrowed my eyebrows

The judges started commenting that something lacked on my performance and I can't believed that the other judges were agreeing.

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