Forty Two

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The next morning I woke up with Minjun kissing me all over my face. 

He was up early and I'm sure Jimin was too. 

I look at Minjun and somewhere in my heart I feel happy and relieved. Minjun has always been serious and critical and seeing happy since he met his father, has been really good for him. 

We ate breakfast together and after I went to shower and prepare myself because I have a go-see. 

I am wearing a dark long jeans and my top is a simple black tube top and a black stilettos.

"I took a leave from work" Jimin said seriously. 

I look at him and I immediately know what he is trying to say, he wanted me to take a leave from work too. 

"You have schedules on P&G next week right?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah that's next week but I have a go-see for a fashion show" 

He nodded and I caught his jaw clenching and he put all of his attention to Minjun. He sat beside our son who is still eating and in the middle of awkward silence our eyes met and I quickly look away only to find Minjun watching us closely.

"No chance of rescheduling it?" He asked carefully. 

"I can't do something like that. The industry will go on and follow their schedule without me, I am not in the position to reschedule things like that" 

Jimin nodded his head, he look at minjun and smiled at him then he gently reaches and caresses my sons face and my eyes lingered at him for a bit more before looking away. 

"Where is it?" that was his next question.

"Yongsan-gu, It's an annual show for a big korean brand. My schedule is on my phone.." I trailed off. "Uh my phone? Are you done?" 

Jimin's lips twisted and he put a black and a brand new model of phone on the table. 

"I'm not done. Here's my phone use it for the meantime and I i will forward any text or email. Just text me or call if you need something that's on your phone" 

I raised my eyebrow to protest but his reason is legit so I just nodded my head and took the phone and put it inside my bag. 

"Papa, I always ask Nana if we can go and visit mommy's work but she doesn't want to go.. She prefer sleeping or shopping."

Jimin glanced at me. I know what he's thinking right now. 

"What do you mean by that, Minjun?" 

Jimin chuckled and he smirked at me. 

"He hasn't seen you work?" Jimin simply asked and I almost rolled my eyes as I can sense what he was implying. 

I took a glass of water and sipped on it before some discourse starts. 

Before I could even ask Jimin, he beat me to it and told me I have a driver and indeed I have one. They came with me in the basement parking and both of them are still in their pajamas. 

Jimin eyed me intently and I feel like if Minjun wasn't here with us, he'd drive me to work himself. 

I kissed my son's cheek and waved my hand at Jimin and leave them there. I look through the mirror and they are still there watching the car intently without any movements. All serious. 

It was a usual go-see. I sat on the monoblock chairs outside the audition venue along with the other models and we are being called one by one. I was talking to my agent and because I have so many things in my mind I almost forgot the two go-sees later after this one. 

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now