- Nineteen

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I smiled throughout the plane ride as I remember how Jimin held me earlier. I was sitting beside my mother who was still busy reading emails on her laptop.

My birthday is in 4 days and I don't understand what Jimin meant that he will see me on my birthday.

When got into our house in Seoul around 11:00 pm and mom went straight to her room while I sat on the living room, looking at the ceiling.

I pulled my phone out and I immediately saw Jimin's message when I turned the airplane mode off.


Text me when you land.

I smiled and I went to my room, change my clothes and laid down before texting Jimin.


we're back home, I'm in bed now.

He's probably asleep now so he might not reply but I was surprised when my phone vibrated.


I'm glad, how's your flight?


It's okay, it's quick and mom was just reading her emails the whole time.

I pressed my cheek against the pillow and stare at my wallpaper which is Jimin and I's picture. I only change my wallpaper when I'm not around my mother, I still don't know what would be her reaction once she found out.

I snapped my thoughts when my phone started ringing and I smiled wider when I saw Jimin's name on it.

"Hello..." I heard him hum and rustling sounds on the background

"I miss you already." I smiled widely and hugged my pillow, thinking I was all cuddled up in his arms like we did earlier.

"I wasn't like this, I am not the clingy type but I do miss you, already." He whispered, his voice is soft, almost like he was about to fall asleep.

"I miss you too, are you sleepy?" I asked and he chuckled.

"No baby, just a bit tired." He whispered.

Even this kind of moment between us meant a lot to me, I never thought that I'd value even the tiny bit second that I have because of Jimin.

Everything meant more than just the way it mean now because Jimin gave me a new reason.

"What are your plans on your birthday?" He asked and that's when I started to wonder again.

My mom wanted to have a party but I don't think that would happen because she's so busy, I don't mind though, I'm growing up and those kinds of party weren't necessary.

"I don't know yet, My mom mention that we'll have a simple formal dinner, probably with just a few friends and I am fine with that." I said

I smiled through the call and I appreciate how interested Jimin is on my plans for the next few days and I told him that I wanted to explore places the next day because for tomorrow I kinda want to just rest for a bit.

Jimin and I fell asleep on call and I waited for him to wake up the next day just to hear his soft morning voice.

It's saturday so it's his day off and I spent half of the day answering his texts.

It was noon when someone knocked on my door.

"Ma'am Y/N! Your friends are here" My eyes widen and I immediately changed my clothes and went out and my eyes widen seeing Jisoo, my cousin sanha and bomi and Reema.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now