Thirty Five

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I fell asleep last night but here's the update

i love you all <3


The next few days during the shoot became like that. Jimin's always busy in the morning and we are almost done when we comes to visit the shoots.

"Let's have dinner." He said.

I was already packing up my bag when he came to me. We will have a three day break since all we did the whole weekdays were shoots. I look at my wrist watch and it's just three thirty un the afternoon.

Tomorrow is the start of the break and I already dedicated those days finding a condominium unit for Minjun and I so we can move as soon as possible.

"I can't." I answered.

And just like his usual reaction his eyes narrowed and a frown was visibly seen on his features and his jaw clenched.

"Just an hour. It won't be that long. We'll eat at some restaurant near your place."

I look at him when I finished packing up. I was scared that I'd change my mind and come with him.

"I really can't, I have an important meeting with someone." I said because it's true.

I have a meeting with Eunseok's son about finding a condo.

I entered the building with Daehyun, we went to the 33rd floor of the building to check the three bedroom unit.

The unit was nice, the spaced were maximized but I know mommy would never like this one.

"I think my mom might stay in your dad's condo if I buy this one." I said to Daehyun and he chuckled.

"I mean I think that would be okay? No one actually stays in that unit. I know how much trouble those two put you through specially with that marriage. If I were in your shoes I would like to live separately."

I nodded my head and tiredly smiled at him. That arrangement we had caused big rumors and I think I won't be able to handle it anymore. Minjun is already big and he's smart. If he happens to hear that rumors, he'd think that way and I don't want that to happen.

"Let's have a dinner before we go?" Daehyun offered and I nodded my head. He lead me to the restaurant in the lobby and I was already thinking of buying that condominium unit.

We entered a fine restaurant, and Daehyun was immediately busy ordering our food, I just let him since he's a chef and he knows what food would I like the best that fits my meal plan. I was looking at the back of the poster and I noticed the logo and the company.

Park Enterprises.

My lips parted a bit and I stared at it for a while and my thoughts were snapped when Daehyun asked me what's wrong, I shake my head and licked my lower lip.

This is a property of Park Enterprises and Holdings. Those are the same Parks and if he's really related to them. Shit.

I slowly turned my head to look around the building when I saw Daehyun stood up then I saw two gentlemen standing a few meters away from our table. The man who gave me a first glance had a dark and grim look on his face. He managed a friendly smile but the one behind him looks so cold and when he turned to look at me, it looks like he was judging me.

"Taehyung! Jungkook!" Daehyun said, greeting the two.

"Good Evening." The first man said and looked at me darkly.

My heart is pounding hard. Their auras were very like Jimin's.

"This is Y/N by the way." Daehyun said, introducing me to them.

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