- Fifteen

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I sat on the dining with mom and I was quiet and I look at my food with no energy. It's been a week without seeing Jimin and it wasn't that bad actually because we've been talking at night.

He tells me about his work and he showed me around the place he was staying and he was sharing the room with his friend Taehyung.

"Y/N, we're going home to seoul the next next week" Mom said, I looked at her with surprised expression.

Christmas is coming so we'll probably have Christmas break but if we're going to seoul earlier then I'd miss a week in school, probably.

"Okay mom," I said softly, without looking at her, I was a bit sad because we're surely going to stay there for christmas, then Jimin would be here, spending his christmas with his family.

December 21 is my birthday.

The dinner ended and she didn't say anything about my birthday, It's not like I'm expecting for her to do anything grand, I honestly I wish we could just stay here.

I snickered, just a few months ago I wanted to get away from this place, I hated this place so much but now I am actually wishing that we'd stay?

But it's good that I can go back to Seoul, I'll get to see my friends again, Jisoo and the others. I am happy.

The next days Mommy has been so giddy and I am happy and she apologize to me for the times she had been cruel to me and I am grateful that she finally learn to admit her faults with me and it made me think that maybe this is the start of us understanding each other.

I stared at my mom one saturday morning as she was leaving for a meeting outside the town, she waved her hand at me and I sighed at how many times I thought about telling her about Jimin but I am stopping myself. This ain't the right time.

When I saw her car finally left, I went to my room and prepared. Jimin is back in town and we agreed to meet before lunch.

I sat on the corner of the cafe as I wait for Jimin to come, we couldn't meet at the house and as I wait I couldn't stop thinking about what mom did to Jimin's family. He mentioned to me that mom was cruel to them and I certainly don't want to ask mommy about it and Yugyeom seems like he doesn't know much or he just doesn't really want to tell me.

I snapped my thoughts when I saw Jimin entered the cafe and his eyes immediately found mine.

I smiled and I stopped me from throwing myself completely at him.

I gave him the coffee I ordered and we left to go to the house that his brother was renovating because we had complete privacy there aside the cliff.

When we reached the place, Jimin set the food that he cooked on the table and we went to the back of the house that leads to the beach, I looked at him and I couldn't how happy I am to see him.

"I've missed you.."

The two of us laughed as we said it at the same time, he grabbed my hand and his free hand rested on my thigh.

I looked at him and squeezes his hand gently and I shoot him the question, I wanna know what happened between mom and Jimin's family and I am hoping that this time I'd get the answers that I want.

"Forget about it, that doesn't matter now, my father doesn't care about it." He said

I furrowed my eyebrows.

I pouted my lips and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"What am I supposed to forget? I don't even know anything about it?" I said. "Please tell me even just a bit about it" I added, pleading a bit.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now