- Twenty Seven

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I never thought that cutting Minjun's hair would be a very hard and big decision for me, he wants to get rid of his long hair so he can look more like his father. Minjun is turning 6 soon.

He was smart, he immediately understood when I told him that he lost a twin, he hugged me tightly after I told him about it, and he understood that neither of mom and I is ready to go back to Seoul. He's very smart.

I took many pictures of him sporting his long hair because I'm going to miss it so much. I try not to cry when they started cutting his hair.

I'm tired from work and shoots that I did the past two weeks but I bare it all just to spend time with him again, after getting his hair cut which made him look like his father a lot more than before, we had lunch then we had ice cream on the way to the park and we took a lot of pictures.

"When are we going Seoul mom?" He asked again, I look at him and smile.

"Soon baby, your papa is still busy with work, I have to check his schedule, we have to see if we can take a bit of his time and talk to you," That's what I always say to him.

He would just look at me with serious face and nod.

I held his hand as we started to walk again, I hummed, I try not to give Minjun bad thoughts about his daddy, he's already hurt and sad that he's not here and I don't want to add up to that.

"Does daddy loves you?"

My breath hitched and I couldn't answer him immediately.

I pinches his cheek gently, "He will love you though, I'm sure of that"

He looked away and it seemed like he's in a very deep thought now, I sighed softly and just look at him even if he's not looking at me. We went home after we had our dinner. He laid his head on my lap as we took the taxi, I pouted a bit when I caress his hair, it's short, his long hair is gone.

He was asleep during the car ride and he was wide awake when we got back to the condo. We entered the room, Eunseok was there since we haven't seen him for almost a week for some business trip and my mother was sitting on the dining table, sipping some wine.

"Good evening!" Eunseok greeted.

He walk towards me, hugging me lightly

"Good evening!"

Then we heard a dramatic sigh from mommy, she was looking at Minjun.

"Y/N what did you do to my grandson's hair?" Eunseok chuckled behind me and stated the obvious.

I raised my eyebrows and I know what's running on my mother's head.

"What's wrong with the haircut? Our Minjun looks way more handsome now, Ji-eun!" Eunseok said

"I like this hair better nana," Minjun said to his grandmother. Mom just sighed, I kissed my son's forehead and told him to go in his room and clean up before my mother can say something ugly, something that I don't want Minjun to hear.

Minjun immediately complied, hugging my mom, Eunseok and kisses my cheek before running to his room. I stood up with a sigh and crosses my arm over my chest and look at my mother.

"He looks like a Park now Y/N!"

"Oh! No wonder he looks very familiar with that cut,"

I felt disappointed, my mother stood up and walk towards the terraces and look at me sharply.

"What are those dramatic acts for Ji-Eun! Minjun looks extremely handsome with his hair cut, did he choose that Y/N?"

"Yes, I don't want to cut his hair personally but that's what he likes and you know him."

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now