- Four

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The class ended and I bite my lip as I exit the room, We're given a different professor and honestly I don't know why I am disappointed. I shouldn't be, Jimin clearly said he will go fishing early in the morning.

And today is just another ordinary day but soon it became complicated.

Everyone was complaining when our temporary professor explained the plans of our actual professor for the whole semester.

"Okay settle down!" Mr. Baek said and everyone went quiet immediately.

"We will have groupings, this grouping will be your permanent groupings for the whole semester.."

The room went loud again, a few were happy about it and they've been deciding their groups, I couldn't help but to smile because they look so happy but it faltered as I realized it wasn't a good thing for me.

I wasn't close with anyone here.

"Everyone, don't celebrate early because you will be grouped randomly."

Complaints were made again.

I swallowed thickly, I can't help it but I felt relived that we will be grouped randomly.

We were grouped into four and most of my groupmates were introduced by Yugyeom and they actually live around Jimin. I was just quiet as we circled our chair, I was attentive and Mira was smiling at me but the three other wasn't even looking at me and it seems like they are not happy that I was in the group.

I wrote our names on the paper and passed it while our professor explained the things to do for this week.

I am not good in science and this is chemistry but I will try to do my best. This was supposed to be in classroom activity but Mr. Baek made it as a take home activity and we need to pass it by Monday.

We moved to the laboratory after we received the problems that was assigned to us and I don't really understand the problem.

"I don't understand anything, What are these elements?" One of them said

"I don't understand it either bu— and I got cut off, Mira looked at me apologetic

"I remember something from chemistry before, but I am not sure" Mira said.

"We don't have a choice though, we have to do a research, are you guys free tomorrow?"

I nodded my head and Seokhee hummed

"Okay we will have a meeting tomorrow!" Seokhee said and she volunteered to do it at their home and I didn't complain.

The meeting ended and it wasn't bad but I was feeling drained. I tried thinking positively as the general assembly will happen soon, I plan to join the dance group and I will do my best to get in, It's my chance to make friends.

The next day was a bit better, I don't have a hard time finding seat again and people are slowly talking to me and it's making me feel a bit better, I rather be nonexistent than kept getting bullied.

I entered my maths and Jimin is our professor today. He was wearing a black long sleeved polo and it was rolled up to his elbow. Surprisingly I got his lecture immediately, he explained them well and it was very simple but I was distracted by his lips and the way he pronounced the words... it's.. i don't know.

The class ended early because we understood his lesson immediately that he didn't need to explain it again. I stood up as the other began leaving and some stopped by his table to have a bit of a conversation and some seniors were stopping by to call him.

He was really well known here.

I gathered my things and start arranging them in my bag. He laughed and he smoothly talked to my classmates, he stopped for a bit and greeted the people on the door.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now