Forty Eight

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Please listen to "Best Years" by 5 Seconds of Summer while reading this chapter.

Only one chapter left and then Jimin's ending POV. That will be posted tomorrow.

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I breathed softly and let my body rest against Jimin's chest while his hand was softly caressing my hair. He looked at me with his now soft gaze. It seemed like I was facing a different person now. His usual dark and serious gaze is nowhere to be found.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly as he pulled me down to lay on the bed with him after we had a long and nice bath.

"I'm okay." I whispered and he pulled me closer as if our position isn't enough for him.

"Our fourth is a bit rough, I'm sorry." He mumbled close to my ear and kisses my hair. I only let out a soft grunt and rolled my eyes that made Jimin chuckle.

"I moved your shoot tomorrow, after lunch. Is that okay? I can move it next week if you'd like" He said and I shake my head and took a deed breath as if I'm trying to take some courage and wrap my arm around him.

"Tomorrow is fine, that's my last schedule for the next two weeks, I want to get over it so I don't have anything to worry about." I said and he hummed while reaching to the side table and turn the lights off, leaving one dim light on the corner of the room.

While we're on the bath, we talked a lot of things, most are things that we avoided and tried to look past through. It made me proud that we matured, he matured really well.

"I can almost hear you thinking.. What are you thinking hm?"

I shook my head and I look up at him, meeting his eyes. There's one more thing to unpack.

"Jimin, I don't think I can control my love for you once I let myself go"

He didn't reacted or something, instead he took my hand and held it gently.

"Jimin.. I'm very jealous.

"I know.." He said

I sighed and stare into his eyes. I feel a little braver now. "My jealously led me on telling you about Minjun. I was very jealous that night. You though, you can control your jealously better now, I don't think I can."

"Bold of you to assume that it was very easy for me to control my jealously." He said, his stoic face is now back.

I watch him sigh as he pulled me in a tight hug. "To see you on that stage earlier, getting touched by another man almost send me towards the edge of being a mad man. It wasn't easy but I want to keep you. I have learned from what happened to us before. I want to keep you so I pushed myself to learn the things we didn't have before."

I squeezed his hand and my heart clenched thinking how much Jimin thought about this. He put himself through so much by thinking of the past to be better now.

"We lost before, I lost you but that is something that won't be happening now. We're not gonna lose this time, I won't lose you anymore."

Tears pooled my eyes as I listen to him, right at the moment I broke the urn where I kept myself hidden for years, the urn I built to protect my heart. I am going to give my love and myself to Jimin without hesitations now.

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