Thirty Three

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I swallowed hard as I try not to think what Selena said, I look ahead and did my usual routines in the runway but when my eyes drifted to Jimin, I couldn't help but to think if he thinks the same?

I couldn't help but to think and be disappointed because that how low they think of me and the people who are single mothers. I look at Selena while changing my outfit for the second batch. Who is she anyway? Current girlfriend or ex?

During the third ram I met Jimin's eyes and I got the chance to meet his. He was watching me closely, I rolled my eyes at him swiftly and I saw how his eyes widen but a smirk appeared on his face. I look at him again before turning around and I saw him chuckle. He shifted and when I entered the backstage, I fisted my hands, irritated with his reaction.

My next movements was very swift, when I entered the backstage my glam team crowded me, they changed my make all while fixing my hair and this is the last ramp of the night and my heart was booming so hard as I closed my eyes and images of Jimin's expression flashed vividly in my mind.

When I entered the stage again, Ms. Joo was beside me, everyone was so hyped up and I didn't dare to look at Jimin's side again, I look ahead and I smiled at Ms. Joo. When I went back I was welcomed by the other models, they took pictures with me and after that my stylist assisted me. I went to the dressing area and changes my clothes.

"Ms. Kim, everyone is expected to be in the after party, are you going?" Lin asked.

I didn't answer because I am not certain about joining.

"You're so pretty Ms. Kim." One of the stylist of the other models said.

I smiled and look at him, "Thank you."

After that I took set of pictures again. I pat his shoulder, he's gay and he's shy and very friendly. When I walked out of the dressing are, I was met by Selena's glare and the other models haven't changed their gowns but the backstage is now filled with personalities and clients.

I sighed and I walk pass them and I was a little late to realize that Jimin was standing in front of my vanity and looked at the flowers that was on the table beside my dresser. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips twitched sexily as he eyed each notes.

I breathed heavily and walk near my dresser.

"Who's Noah?" His deep voice boomed.

The room went silent a little as they heard him ask that question, I sighed and cleared my throat before looking around to see the people watching us before looking at Jimin.

"I don't know."

It's true though, I don't any Noah. I grabbed the note from his hand and read it.

Hi Y/N!

I've been following you since paris fashion week last year, Congrats on your projects here in Korea. I hope you will stay here for good, see you soon!

- Noah

I put the note back and Jimin was still looking at me as if I did something that I need to explain.

"Maybe it's a fan. I'm used to it, a lot of people send flowers and gifts here in the backstage for fans and clients."

Now it makes me wonder, didn't he had model exes or maybe girlfriend. Now it makes me wonder why is he here when Selena is just around the corner waiting for him.

I watch his eyes drift back to the note and read it once, his eyebrows furrowed more and his lips were lightly pouted. I've seen people praise him while we are in Ms. Joo's restaurant opening, they are crazy for him. But now no one dare to step in and talk to him.

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