Thirty Four

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I fell asleep last night. sorry hehe.

here's the update! enjoy!!


It was a very long night for me. I thought I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. There are way too many thoughts in my head and I am already scared of the effect on me and I swore to myself that I will never go through that experience again and here I am feeling this way. I tried comforting myself that all of this was just temporary.

In the end, I just think of my son. I look at Eunseok playing with his grandchilren. I sighed and sat down. I should start talking to him about this and see if he's ready.

Before I go to my shoot today, I went to talk to Minjun. I am done with my breakfast and I went to my son's room to wake him up.

My mom is eating breakfast with Eunseok's son and his wife and I heard my mom ranting about the new collection of Louis Vuitton that just came out yesterday and I heard Eunseok's enthusiastic comments. That's why they click so well, they both like fashion.

When I opened Minjun's room he was already awake. I smiled and shake my head as he looked at me with tired sleepy eyes. I sit on the edge of his bed and caresses his hair.

"Morning mommy! Are you leaving already?" He asked and I nodded my head.

I kissed his nape and pulled him down so he can lay again

"I have a shoot so I'm leaving early and I couldn't wait for you to wake up so I came here."

He laid down again and I lay beside him and he hugged me.

"What time are you coming home?"

"I don't know. The shoot might take a little longer. Do you want me to buy anything for you?"

He shakes his head and hugged me tighter. "Nana brought so much stuffs for me already."

Minjun then pointed out the stacks of paper bag and boxes from different brands. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I think of mommy doing her shopping spree again. I think of starting to get all my fees before I get poor here.

"Don't get mad at nana, she just wants the best for me" Minjun threateningly said and I chuckled and hugged him closer.

"I won't baby, I just don't want her to spend so much when we have enough. We have money but it's limited so we can't spend recklessly"

Minjun looked at me for a moment and he nodded his head and closes his eyes before nuzzling his face against my chest. "I couldn't wait to grow up mommy so I can work and you don't have to think about that."

I smiled and stare at him. I don't want you to grow up baby. I want you this way forever.

I sighed heavily and I cuddle him and he just let m cuddle him without complain.

"Minjun, I have something to tell you."

He did not say anything and he did not move, but when he does our eyes met and he looked at me. I look at his face and I feel like he already had an idea about what I am going to say.

"I've met with your father." I slowly said and I watched his reaction.

He tried so hard to keep his pokerface but he failed miserably. His eyes widen and I saw excitement in his eyes,

"But he doesn't know that you're here. I will talk to him and I will find a right timing."

My heart shattered when the excitement left in his eyes and now his lips are pressed in a thin line and he looked away.

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