- Eight

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I couldn't stop smiling when I got home and I was staring at Jimin's number through my screen.

And when my phone rings, I answered without even looking.

I cleared my throat and my heart started beating loudly.


The line was too quiet but I know he's there, I turned the lights off and hugged my pillow tightly.

"Jimin?" I said softly.

"Good evening.." I bite my lip at the sound of his voice, low and it almost sound like a growl.

"Good evening.." I said and my cheeks heated up and I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I thought the line would be busy." He said and I smiled and shake my head, hugging my pillow tighter.

"I wasn't expecting a call from anyone, just yours."

He hummed and I don't know but I can picture him in my head with his brow shot up and his head tilted a bit with a playful smirk slowly appearing on his lips.

Gosh Y/N? What?

"Really? Not expecting a call from a boyfriend,  maybe?"

"I'm not," I said smiling and run my hand through my hair "I don't have a boyfriend"

The audacity of this man to assume that I have a boyfriend? Maybe he was the one who have a girlfriend, I remember my classmates and a couple professors talking about him, and a certain girl's name.

"Suitors then?"

I laughed and rolled my eyes "Jimin, I don't even have friends you think i'd have suitors?"

"Well I wouldn't know, maybe while you're in seoul?"

"I don't have one, why are we talking about this huh?" I asked playfully

Jimin only chuckled the proceed asking a different question, opening a different topic.

"Yeah, tomorrow we'll go to Katrina's place, probably every saturday since the professor said we'll have activities every week."

"Are you alright then? You getting the lessons well?" He said huskily and I bite my lip.

"It's getting harder actually, regarding the assignments and activities. I am having difficulties explaining."

"Okay, Let's meet tomorrow after you go to Katrina?"

"Is it okay? We'll probably go in the morning."

"It's okay, after the meeting let's meet and go to the cliffs, i'll see your assignments and help"

I lick my lips and start wondering, it's been a week since Jimin and I went there. I'm happy that we'll go together again

"I'll cook us lunch so don't worry"

My eyes widen.

"You cooked?"

"I assume you don't?" He tauntingly asked

I couldn't answer because I don't know how to cook.

Jimin chuckled, I wanted to learn how but mom said no, maybe I should start practicing then?

"Well, I wanna learn but mom wouldn't let me" I said


"I don't know, she just doesn't want me to,"

Jimin growled softly, "You let your mom decide for you?"

I breathed heavily, "It's not like that, well sometimes I just think that she knows what's good and bad for me"

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now