Forty Five

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After my mother's scene, Jimin's father did not came back, I assume that he really followed my mother. I look at Jimin as he let go my hand when we went back to the living room to attend Minjun who just went out of the Family room with Jisoo.

I look at Hyunjin and Natalia and smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry you have to see that," I said and Hyunjin chuckled.

"What did you even do to make her that mad?" He asked.

"I cut freeze our bank accounts specifically the one's she has access to, she bought a painting that causes 3 million dollars." I said and Hyunjin choked. Jimin sat stood beside me and Jisoo was chuckling as she picked up her glass.

"Paintings are not a bad asset, it could cost more in time, specially if the artist is well known."

Our conversation about the painting went on and on and it was past four in the afternoon when Hyunjin, Natalia and Jisoo decided to leave and Minjun immediately dragged his father to the playroom where Jimin set up the playstation set Jisoo bought for my son.

After helping on cleaning in the kitchen I went to the room to check in my agent regarding the fashion week and I am sure that it will be a very busy week. Tomorrow is the beginning of the fashion week and tomorrow is my grandfather's birthday. Jimin had their suit tailored, the palette of the party is touch of midnight blue and gold.

I have extra invites for the shows and obviously on the first day mommy won't come and I think I can't bring Minju specially there's a special stage for me and Hyoseop during the runway show. Jimin said he'll come with me so we are going to leave Minjun in Sohee and Yoongi's place.

There will be rest days of course but there are scheduled fittings and press conferences so it was still a busy week. After the two three shows, I will be busy with the P&G project continuation and Jimin might be back to work by then.

After talking to my agent, I went to shower and when I finished, I went to check on Jimin and Minjun who is now checking the progress of his room. They are now dressed in their pajamas. I was leaning against the door frame with a fond smile on my face because Minjun looked really sleepy but he was fighting it and attentively listening to his father's words.

Minjun's eyes lit up when he noticed me.

"Mommy! The paint doesn't smell anymore! I think I can start sleeping here now"

I look at Jimin and his laptop is in his lap, he looked at me briefly before looking at his laptop again and started typing. I walk towards the empty side of the bed.

"When do you plan to sleep there?" I asked and he hummed.

"As soon as possible mommy! If I have my own room then I will have privacy. If you two stays here then you will have privacy."

I can feel my eyebrow twitching at my son's words, Jimin's weird teachings.

"Mommy and Daddy should knock first and wait for my permission before going inside my room and I will do the same. That's privacy!"

I shake my head and I feel like Jimin couldn't take it anymore, hearing his teachings from my son's mouth. He closed his laptop and pulled Minjun close.

Jimin was tickling Minjun and I eventually fell asleep while listening to their laughters and because I slept early, I was up early as well. Jimin was awake when I stood up but he closes his eyes and hugged Minjun.

It was. hectic day, 1in the afternoon when both of our phones was bombarded with phone calls from relatives for Grandpa's birthday. I did my make up by myself and Jimin helped me when I was about to zip up my gown and he walk towards the dresser and pulled a small box and walk towards me again.

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