- Eleven

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Jimin called again, I didn't answered and proceeded to the Intramurals. I tried to push the thought of Jimin coming home really soon, I saw on his text that he will be home tomorrow.

I had fun with the first day since we get to dance for the opening ceremony, I had fun with my groupmates and for the first time, it seems like all of us are friends.

It felt nice. After the performance I went towards the bleachers and Yugyeom and his friends immediately came to me and that stopped some members of the basketball team to go towards me, I offered a soft smile before turning to face Eunwoo.

"You did so great out there!" Seulgi said and started sharing their food with me.

I smiled widely and started talking with them, some schoolmates even went to me to congratulate me for the performance and that made me feel happy and positive.

At the end of the day I was around Yugyeom's friends, I had fun.

I didn't even bother to check my phone not until all of us exchanged numbers.

I saw Jimin's text and I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed deeply.

I ignored them and turn to listen to Bambam.

"We have outing the next day Y/N, Yugyeom and Us then some members of the volleyball team, wanna join?"

I look up and I couldn't hide my smile, Yugyeom looked at me and encourages me to go and I said yes eventually.

Finally I'll experience what outings here looks like.

Yugyeom and I went home and before I went to my room Yugyeom looked at me,

"Jimin hyung was asking about you, He said you weren't answering his texts and calls.." Yugyeom said and my breath hitched.

I look at him and bite my lips,

"Look Y/N, I don't have anything against you and hyung, he told me he was courting you. I just want you to be careful Y/N" He said, I licked my lips and he smiled at me softly.

"I don't want you getting in trouble with Aunt Ji-eun, she hates Jimin's family, specially his dad"

That was Yugyeom said before he went in his room and I was left dumb founded in the hallway.

I laid in bed the next day since we don't have anything to do with the intrams anymore, I decided to stay in and prepare for tomorrow's outing.

My phone was loud as I was added to a group chat for tomorrow's outing. Bambam was leading the conversation with Yugyeom.

My eyes drifted to Jimin's messages and I opened it.


Answer my calls please.


Y/N, Let's talk.


I'm home.

I stared at that message, it was sent 2 hours ago. He's here, we could possibly meet anytime soon.

The next day Yugyeom and I was drop by the cottages on the beach, the cottages where I've seen Jimin and his friends before. I look at their house and I saw Jimin's motorbike was parked outside their house.

"Woah! This looks good!" Eunwoo said when I placed down the cake Yugyeom and I got from the resort's restaurant.

The volleyball boys smile at me and I nodded and smiled back before going towards Eunwoo and sat beside him and Yugyeom while the other started to play and swim.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now