- Two

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I sighed heavily as I played with the sands. I wiped the tears of my face and looked at the endless sea in front of me.

We arrived here last night after staying to my mom's sister for a couple of days in Daejeon. Before midnight we arrived here. The house is huge and it has a traditional and modern design yet this still look a lot more than the modern houses in Seoul.

I sighed for another time and my phone ringed, I wipe the tears off my cheeks and swallowed thickly as I saw Hyunjin's name on my screen. I breathed heavily and answered his screen.

"Hello.." my voice shakes and swallowed thickly.

"Hello baby," he said, his voice sounded like he just woke up.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly and I nodded, I wanna go back to Seoul. I don't like staying here.

"I am, just dreading. I wanna go back to Seoul." I said and he hummed.

"I know baby, I miss you already and I will be busy soon Y/N since my training is starting soon." He whispered and tears streamed down my face even more. "You will be back soon right?" he asked and I shake my head.

"My mom said I might transfer here and study here for college. I couldn't tell you earlier because I've been looking for way to convince my mom to let me go back to Seoul." I said and I breathe heavily as the line went quiet but I can hear his soft breathing against the speakers.

"Okay baby, I trust and I believe that you can find a way, I will wait for you okay?" He said and the call ended there.

I tiredly sighed and stood up, nearby I saw my cousin with a few friends from here. I looked at them and bite my lips.

Yugyeom is way taller than me. Although I am a year older than him but in Academics, he's a year ahead of me.

I know this place hates me and my mom. They hate me simply because I am Kim Jieun's daughter, I've been always aware of that but I was never aware of what my mother did for people here to hate her. Yugyeom asked me if I wanted to Join with him as he was asked by my mother to check up on me since she's in the resort right now.

I sighed softly and shake my head and dismissed my cousin with a smile.

I remained like that for the next few weeks, yes I am pretty much wasting my time like this. Well it's easier for me to spend my days like this. I have so much time for myself. I call with Jisoo every day. Hyunjin been traveling with his parents and teammates and I'm so envious about that because my Father is out of the country and my mother is too busy in the resort.

I barely talk to anyone here, Yugyeom is always away doing business and training with his friends for basketball competitions. My mom and I barely talk, she's just very cold and distant towards me.

The house helps are nice to me, well some are not. I barely go to the resort because the staffs doesn't like me either.

I try to talk to them but I am well aware that they doesn't want to have any conversation with me. I am losing hope and I am getting lonelier as the day passes. I totally felt like a complete outcast here.

It's been 2 weeks since I last talked to Hyunjin and Jisoo actually told me to just broke up with him since it seems like he's going out with someone else. I already sad so I don't really feel that way anymore when I saw Hyunjin's photo with a girl in social media's.

"Come on Y/N! If Hyunjin really loves you he wouldn't post that shit knowing he have a goddamn girlfriend which is YOU!" Jisoo said and I sighed heavily. The sun is setting as I sat on the balcony rails and look at the setting sun.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now