- Sixteen

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Tears rolled down my cheeks when I saw Jimin. The week has been so tough, and now that he's home all I want is to be in his arms.

Overthinking started to get me. His eyes widen when our eyes met. He pulled me close and immediately brought me to the cottage, I couldn't wait for the afternoon to come, I wanted to see him so I went to their house.

"Why are you crying?"

"Please don't leave anymore, I can't go on another week without seeing you" I said and began sobbing.

Jimin sat beside me and wrap his arm around me.

It started to get me, I don't understand why is it important for Jimin to prove himself to my mom? I can't understand, why does he needs to leave when he can just stay here and get job related to his career why does he needs to go so far away from me?

"I can't Jimin..."

"I can't as well but I'm holding myself back and push myself through so when I finally face your parents I wasn't just a someone, a commoner, not the fisherman Jimin"

"What's wrong with that? Your job are decent and you can find a job related to your profession here!" I reasoned out

Jimin sighed and he leaned close and kisses my shoulder. I keep wiping the tears off my cheeks but it was replaced but new set of tears.

"So you can tolerate me being so sad? Crying?"

Jimin growled but he did not move, he stayed like that.

I know I am being unreasonable but I couldn't stop myself from ranting out.

"You want your job more than me? You can leave me, you can take being so far away from me? Let's just break up then"

He immediately lifted his head and his eyes if full of flame of anger, my lips immediately pursed and I swallowed thickly.

"Fine. Break up with me and I swear I will never go back here ever again" He ruthlessly said and I cried even more.

Jimin shut his eyes tightly and I saw how pain painted his features and his eyes are bloodshot now, he looks weary.

"I never felt this way for someone and its scaring me and I'd go lengths for you Jimin, just please please don't leave me again.."

"Baby... I won't leave you." He said and he cupped my face. "I will come back to you always, I will go back home for you always"

I couldn't speak, I know that even if I kneel in front of him I know when monday come he will leave.

"Your parents are tycoons, my family we have money yes but that's not enough plus that's not my own, I need to work hard so when we get married I can give you what you want and provide you with your needs."

"I don't even need material things"

"You can say that now because you don't know what it felt, you don't know what it is like for us who needs to work in order to earn"

I felt broken, I hope someone slap me real good and wake up from all these nonsense I was spitting out.

Jimin cupped my face and he wipe the tears off my cheeks only to be replaced by new set of tears.

"I intend to keep you, please understand that I need to work hard for that to happen, Don't think of anything else that might destroy us because I won't let that happen, my goal now is to keep you, all of the things i do and will do is all for you, for our future"

I only nodded and lifted my head and look at him, I can see that he was having a hard time because of me,

"I'd call you always, we'll communicate better"

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now