Thirty Eight

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"I won't leave you" Jimin said with finality.

This isn't the way I planned this, this isn't the way I hope to happen. Minjun and I talked about this before, I told him that we're leaving again after meeting his father, I explained to him what conventional family is.

"Where do you live daddy? Take us with you please? Nana and Dada Eunseok!"Minjun pleased "Can they come, daddy?"

"Minjun baby, Dada can't come, you know that I'm going to leave right?" Eunseok answered immediately and I saw how fast Jimin's eyes was like a dagger when he turned to him. I look at my mother pleadingly, she sighed and decided not to speak.

Jimin turned to my son again and he nodded his head. "Yes they can come with us."

There were a few words that has been said. Minjun sat beside his father when Jimin tap the empty space beside him. I smiled at them and I decided to get up and leave to go to the kitchen where Eunseok is.

"I'm sorry..." I said softly to Eunseok.

He smiled and shakes his head lightly, "Tell him to sleep here."

I look at Jimin who is now approaching us, he stood beside me and there's a grim expression oh his face and it was directed to Eunseok.

"Eunseok. Park Jimin, right?" He said and I sighed as I feel the heavy and thick awkwardness in the air.

Jimin's eyes remained at Eunseok and I can tell that he's getting uncomfortable and I thought Jimin won't accept Eunseok's hand but he did, it was brief and firm handshake and Eunseok let out a small sigh of relief.

"You are welcome to stay Jimin and be with your son.."

"Thank you, Eun. I'm sorry" I said

"No, don't worry at all. It's not a problem." Eunseok said nervously.

Jimin didn't say anything. I saw that my mom approached Minjun, I look at them. My mother combed her hand through my son's hair and I saw my son's eyes grew sleepy though he's trying his best to be wide eyes and awake. My mom was about to say something but she didn't when she saw Jimin walking back towards Minjun.

"Unnie," I called Minjun's nanny.

"Ma'am.." She nodded her while smiling at me as she walk towards Minjun.

When I turned to look at Minjun, he was already in Jimin's arms. I smiled as I look at my tired son, he was awake but he looked so tired.

"Unnie, just lead them to Minjun's room please.." I said

Jimin looked at me with so many unsaid words and I was so stunned when my son blurted out the words on his father's eyes.

"Mommy, sleep with me please?" He asked

My breath hitched and I nodded my head.

"Okay baby, I will just change in my room okay? I'll follow." I said

Minjun did not answer anymore. Jimin then walked towards the hallway, following Unnie and I was left with my mother and Eunseok and it was silent for a couple minutes and when they heard the door closed shut my mom grabbed me by my arm and pulled me close.

"Are you back with him?"

"Mom, no!" I said immediately.

"Seems like it to me Y/N. Don't tell me that man will live here for a while?"

I mentally catch my forehead while firmly shaking my head.

"No! First thing tomorrow! I will get my own condominium for us, I'll make sure of it."

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now