Forty Six

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The Party was successful, mommy was so proud of it though she was still a bit mad about me about what I did to our bank accounts, she had a serious face the whole party but I can say that all of us had a good time.

Minjun was very tired as the night ended, he endlessly played with his cousins and the son of his father's friend and as much as I wanted to stay and enjoy the rest of the night, I have a big event tomorrow plus Minjun looked really tired. When we got home he was fast asleep and doesn't even have the energy to help himself to change.

Tomorrow is the first show of the Fashion week, I already told Sohee that I will be dropping off Minjun to stay in their place while I attend the event and she said yes.

When we got home, I told Jimin about it and I even tried convincing him to stay there as well since Sohee said that they will be having dinner with Jimin's father and some relatives but he insisted on coming with me and I know, the typical Jimin, there's no way of stopping him.

The next morning, Jimin was the first one to wake up and I followed. I started my room with my usual routine and headed to the gym to do some workout and when I went of the gym to get myself another mug of tea, Minjun was already awake and hanging around his father and when I went back to the gym, the two followed me and Minjun was on the yoga side of the room, playing with gym ball and Jimin was shamelessly watching me and I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to wrap up my workout.

I went to the bathroom and Jimin looked at me.

"You didn't eat breakfast."

I nodded my head and tied my hair up. "I don't eat before a show."

Jimin shamelessly looked at me as if he was trying to observe my body, he looked away when our eyes met and he looked at Minjun.

"Go shower baby." He said at me even if he was looking at Minjun, I did not move and I watch him pick up Minjun and kisses my son's cheek playfully before looking out of the room.

A while ago, Minjun said that he wants to sleep in his own room starting tonight. He already mentioned that to his father last night but he was so tired so Jimin took that advantage to still have Minjun in his bed. He'd take all the chance to have his son close to him.

Two in the afternoon when we left to go to Sohee's place, the start of the pre-show is 5:30 and 6 pm sharp for the show proper, when we arrived, everyone seemed invisible to Minjun as soon as he saw his cousin. I said goodbye to him and he kisses my cheek and wishes me good luck on the show.

"Daddy please take care of Mommy." Minjun said to his father and I slightly laugh at that. I kisses his forehead one more time before I let him go with Sohee's son.

Jimin and I headed to the venue, the media swarms on the hotel entrance, I was called by my agent and the organizer to park at the basement and use the backdoor but it's no use since I am still going to pass by the lobby where the red carpet is.

I looked at Jimin when we got inside. The door will open around 4:00 but we are so early, even if he's aVVIP guest, he still can't get inside. I looked at the luxurious restaurant in the hotel lobby and look at Jimin again.

"Are you staying here?" I ask.

"Yes, I will stay here til the door opens." he said.

Jimin eyed the restaurant then he look at me with his serious expression and I swallowed hard. When I was young, I never find him that handsome but now that I am almost twenty seven all I can think of his oozing appeal and confidence, his handsome face and his sexiness like I am a slave. There's no boyish feel in him, it's all brute, elegance and manliness. His ruthlessness and his power and I thought that he's always been like that.

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