- Three

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I didn't say anything again when Jimin said that. Shame run through my veins. I started to wonder that maybe people here doesn't want to talk me because of whatever happened to my family and Jimin's family.

I sat by the shore and stood up, I saw Jimin talking to Yugyeom now.

Jimin doesn't want to be friends with me, Jimin's dad and his brother were nice. I know my mom, she wasn't that good with people, sometimes she's too cruel, she's too picky with the people she's talking to.

Does people here experienced that cruelty from my mom. Then I won't blame them.

My mom is not the nicest person, I've experienced that myself, Dad is protective while my mom is possessive. She has a different perspective to the people that was different from our status and I really hate that about my mom.

I stood up and started walking way back to the house and my eyes widen seeing my dad and jisoo.

"Dad!! Jisoo!! Oh my gosh you're here!!" I said and ran towards them, I hugged my dad tightly and hugged Jisoo like I didn't saw her for years.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and I look at Yugyeom and waved my hand, he was still talking with Jimin and both of them were looking at where we are, but I am too happy and smiley to even pay attention to him.

"Yuggie!! Dad and Jisoo is here!" I said and he nods, I hugged my father again and he smiled widely.

We went to the resort and I greeted the staffs and I was a bit happy that they're starting to be warm to me and I was relieved because of that.

"Does mom know you're here?" I asked and he shakes his head

"No sweetie, I'm going to leave again tomorrow to go to seoul with your mom. Now I know you're wondering why Jisoo is with me?" Dad said and I nodded and I looked at her and she had a wide smile as well.

"We met in the plane and she said she wanted to surprise you but tomorrow she'll be flying to Japan" Dad and I hugged jisoo, I am so happy because I get to see them.

We had our meal at the resort's restaurant, the hotel is a bit packed of tourists, that's why we left immediately and just took some our food at home.

Yugyeom came and join us after an hour and after eating Dad said he'll go and meet my mother while Jisoo and I went back to the shore.

"So? Are the days better?" She asked and I shakes my head and I look farther to where Jimin's house is and I look at Jisoo and remember what happened earlier but I decided not to tell her.

"I feel much envious now, this view is so beautiful, I will surely buy a property near the sea" Jisoo said as we take a walk, holding our slippers

"I don't really hang out on the shore" I said softly and she laughed

"You should, the sunset and sunrise is relaxing." She said, we sat by the sands and I sighed heavily and she started telling me about Hyunjin but I don't want to hear anything about it.

It was draining when dad and jisoo left and school started again.

I was always excited whenever school is starting but this academic year is different. I am not but I don't have any other choice, I have to live each day through all of it each day.

I was surprised by the amount of student in the campus but I honestly shouldn't as this was the biggest and of the popular university here in Busan.

I tried smiling to people, I tried approaching them but they left. I bite my lips and I looked defeated and I sat on the back near the window and a few other people that I've seen in the enrollment was here.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now