- Twenty

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"Happy birthday!!" My friends all yelled when I entered the dining hall. I smiled widely and I was even startled when I saw who gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

It's Hyunjin.

I look around and saw that most of my close friends that my mom didn't like at first was all here!

"Happy birthday Y/N!" Hyunjin said and leaned to kiss my cheek.

My eyes widen and my friends started teasing me about it and I brushed them off.

That didn't last though because Mom spoke and the food was served soon, I look at Dad and Grandma beside him.

I look at my mom, I just can't believe that she actually went to reach out to my friends and invite them here.

"Happy 20th birthday to my beautiful and modest daughter.." Mom said and everyone raised their wine glasses and I look at Jisoo who was smiling widely at me.

The dinner went smooth, everyone shared their favorite memories with me and their gifts are sitting on the corner of the room, I look at Hyunjin who is watching me close.

"You look a lot prettier.." he said softly when it's our turn to dance together.

"Thank you.." I said

He chuckled and eyed me even more.

"I heard from your mom that you had a hard time forgetting about me." He said with a playful grin on his face and I furrowed my eyebrows.

I didn't say that and I never said that but soon I realized why mommy said that, probably because she saw the times I was sad when we're in busan, but that's not because of Hyunjin.

Mom had a short yet very emotional message for me and that made me tear up because she's finally acknowledging how strict and hard she is to me back then.

My friends cheered and went to attack me when mom said that I can go on the after party Jisoo prepared for me.


Jisoo laughed and linked her arm on mine "You're free to go anywhere now! So we're going to rave!" Jisoo said excitedly and they're dragging me out of the place and Mom was laughing.

I laughed and I just followed them. I can't believe that this is really happening.

I was overwhelmed because I'm the only person to turn 20 and in legal age now.

"Shots!" Everyone yelled, everyone cheered when Jisoo handed me a shot and I look at everyone, my older friends who are crowding around me.

"Just this one okay?" I said and they nodded and I took it and my face turned sour from how it tastes but everyone yelled when I bottomed it.

I laughed and put the glass down.

Our table is the loudest and the nearby table are watching us, I felt embarrassed and my cheeks heated up. There are men a bit older than us and celebrities. They are all watching us.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" My friends cheered.

My eyes drifted to the next couch and I felt uncomfortable to see that people are looking at me specifically men. Jisoo squealed when one men from the table full of Idols raised his glass at me.

I shake my head and looked at Jisoo.

"I think he likes you! That's Joshua from that group seventeen!"

I was a bit relieved when everyone focused on their own things rather than crowding around me and I jumped a bit when Hyunjin appeared in front of us.

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