- Thirteen

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Jimin passed the board, He's an engineer now and I am so proud of him. I couldn't say anything to him, I am in between happiness and sadness. I am happy and satisfied with the outcome of what we talked, I am happy with what he said, I am happy with how he acts with me.

Jimin promised me that he will be here often, he said that he will come back here if I need him to.

I wasn't clingy but I don't understand why I am so needy now. This is not me.

For weeks I fooled myself, I was lying to myself. I was lying to myself because I was scared since everything felt so new to me, I was denying the fact that I do like hime because I hate how Jimin makes me feel. I hate how he makes me feel, I hate how nervous and a wreck I am with him around me.

I don't know how am I going to survive this, I just told him and I just admitted to myself that I do like him, that I am very infatuated with him. He will be far, I don't want him to know what I am feeling because I want to see him grow, I don't want to hold him back from doing what he wants to do.

"I missed you a lot," Jimin whispered.

We stayed in the forest, none of us spoke for the past 30 minutes, we just held hands and he was just looking at me, softly caressing my cheek or my palm.

I missed him too, so much.

"I am so proud of you Jimin," I said and he hummed and brush the tip of his nose against my cheek.

"I'm sorry for being irrational." I whispered and Jimin cupped my face and he smiled softly.

"Apology accepted baby, don't worry about it anymore okay?" He said and I nodded and hugged him tightly. I winced a bit because I felt the slight sting on my wound, it stopped bleeding I think since Jimin wrapped his handkerchief around my wound.

"Why won't you go to Seoul?" I asked him.

He hummed and he looked at me, he sighed softly and he pinches my cheek.

"I will only go to Seoul if you go and settle in Seoul" He said

I pouted my lips but I couldn't help but to smile.

"I think I am not going to Seoul anytime soon, Mom doesn't have plans yet"

"Then I won't go to seoul, the company I'm going to work for in Central is a huge company" He said and poke my nose.

I bite my lip and hugged him tighter.

I looked at our intertwined hands, I missed him so much.

"Come on let me carry you" Jimin said

"I can handle myself, just please hold my hand" I said and he nodded and he held my hand gently and we went back to where his bike is.

I look up at him and he wrapped his arm around my waist and I couldn't help to feel how much my heart palpitated.

"Do you want to stay around the mansion? Mom wasn't here and Yugyeom, I'm sure he wouldn't mind..." I said softly and he grinned, the boyish grin and the playful smirk was back on his face.

"As much I want to, but I'd prefer to have you rested" He said.

I appreciate it, I was actually tired, my eyes are swollen too.

"Okay" I agreed to him but he insisted to drop me off by the resort.

"I'll call you after dinner okay? Don't ever hang up on me"

I didn't told Yugyeom about what happened, I know that he'd tell my mom and that would create chaos.

The days passed happily, I am so happy.

Taking Chances - P. JMWhere stories live. Discover now